Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why does Hillary Clinton favor forcing americans to buy expensive health insurance?

imagine a household making $70,000 per year with no insurance offered through and employer. They have shopped for insurance and the best they can do is find a plan to cover parents and children for$560 per month. Problem is they are barely making ends meet, and have such a high mortgage payment and other debts that they cant afford to buy this insurance. Enter Hillary Clinton's plan, which is to force them to pay the money and buy insurance....and forcing them to not pay other bills like their mortgage or their car payments or credit card debts. Of course they could ignore the requirment to buy, and face maybe a $5,000 fine or perhaps jail.

Why does Hillary Clinton favor forcing americans to buy expensive health insurance?
What is your source of information?

Fix News?
Reply:60 goes to covering your family while 500 covers the vacation expenses for the clintooons
Reply:because she wants sub standard health care in the US.
Reply:Your not seeing the whole picture here. She is saying that all Americana's will have health insurance. You will be either covered thought Medicare or a private insurance company. She isn't saying that you MUST pay that amount, just that all Americana's will be covered. Also, if your making 70,000. a year, you should be able to afford something towards it. I don't make that much and I pay 350 per month. People need to live with-in there needs not there wants.
Reply:She is backed by big business--insurance, drugs %26amp; the military industry .

Not only will she cost you more in money-how will you feel when your children (boys %26amp; girls) are FORCED to sign up for the draft?

Her lowness wants to CONTROL.


Dr. Ron Paul for President
Reply:I cannot imagine a family having financial problems with the kind of earnings you describe. Maybe you should seek some financial management advice.

There are options: change to an employer who provides some coverage. Move to Pennsylvania. The CHIPS plan will cover children at no cost.

I am opposed to Mrs. Clinton and socialized medicine. She is a socialist and wants to control the money.
Reply:I'd rather be forced to pay for healthcare then for a war. At least I'd get something in return for my money.
Reply:Because you can't make socialized medicine voluntary, or it won't work. For instance, it the US Post Office didn't have a legal monopoly on delivering mail, they'd be gone in one year. Or if only people who had kids in school paid school taxes, the schools would close their doors. You have to spread costs across the greatest number of people. Those who can afford to seek private care will do so -- but they'll still pay for those who can't.
Reply:Could it be because she is a bleeding heart liberal?
Reply:Hillary Clinton and others who favor mandatory, universal health car are sick and tired of giving free care to people who would rather not provide for their families. You paint a false dilemma between health care and mortgage payments. Given that financial institutions would not approve you for a large enough mortgage to force that choice we need a different example. The choice is more likely between a 4-wheel drive and health insurance or alcohol and health insurance.

The cornerstone of a free economy is that each individual must pay the consequences of his/her own actions. Are you willing to let the uninsured die because they do not have insurance? Are you willing to let a four year old child die because his/her parents chose a 4-wheel over health insurance?
Reply:I'm not sure how I feel about this either but people can get their choice of over 250 plans as they sit right now. Catastrophic would be among the choices and that is much cheaper than other kinds of insurance.

The theory behind making it mandatory is that with more people insured, the pool is larger making the insurance cost less. This would also greatly relieve the use of Medicaid. The insurance premiums would be through payroll deductions in most cases.

There will be efforts to get people to live more healthy lives, but the states are already doing this by taking junk food out of the schools, raising taxes on cigarettes, etc.

I don't understand why the congress isn't having hearings right now to see why health insurance is so expensive and take steps to remedy the situation. I have a feeling that part of the reason is that the republicans removed some kinds of regulations on the industry. Health insurance premiums have risen 75% in the last 6-7 years while the coverage is less. Very suspicious on that account.
Reply:Though she means well, she is still a big government liberal. It is proposals like this that reek of of socialism. While it is true millions of Americans for various reasons are struggling with health care, others like the system as is. While I do not know all the specifics of her plan, I would oppose it. Americans are unique %26amp; independant people. I say give us more options when it comes to health insurance. While many like the system as is, others without it would go for free goverment sponsered health care. But give Americans choice, don't force it on us.

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