Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obama and it in the cards?

"Sen. Clinton is an outstanding public servant, she has worked tirelessly on this campaign, she has been a great senator for the state of New York and she is going to be a great asset when we go into November to make sure that we defeat the Republicans," Obama said on the campaign trail Sunday in South Dakota, adding Monday in Michigan that "she and I will be working together."

Alright...I gather from that statement that he will choose Clinton as his running mate...can't wait 'til they officially announce it.

She would be a strong VP for him. I vote for issues and policies. Liberal issues such as Prochoice are at the top of my list. I've never heard of a true democrat voting for a republican when they believe in a woman's right to choose.

So if Hillary is the VP choice then great!

Obama and it in the cards?
The race is well over now, so good luck to Obama supporters!
Reply:Nope, that's Not what obama was saying

he can work with people that are Not his VP.

what ? ... no insults ??

aren't you going to call us Hillary supporters "childish" ?

BTW - A LOT of obama's so called "true democrats" WONT vote for him if Hillary is his VP.
Reply:That would be the worst choice.....

Read this carefully..........

Hillary wants to be PRESIDENT by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!!!

Obama wouldnt last a year...
Reply:It would be the height of hypocrisy if he were to choose Hillary after all the mud-slinging that just went on.

That would be like Donald Trump marrying Rosie O'Donnell.
Reply:Forget about it.
Reply:No, Hillary brings too much baggage.
Reply:If that happens it'd only be because the party is so concerned with Hillary supporters turning subversive and voting for McCain.

Clinton, though a strong politician, is the total antithesis of what Obama's campaign is about. You can't talk about radical change in the way Washington works by running with someone who is a textbook example of typical Washington politics.

Besides, I wouldn't be keen on asking to run with someone that spent the past year trying to drag my face in the mud, Disenfranchised two states by voting to exclude them (as all candidates did) and then blame Obama for it later on when she realized that Excluding MI, and FL was a bad idea when she is losing.

I wouldn't exclude him choosing a former hillary supporter for VP, but I don't think it'd be Hillary herself.

Besides, her current gig as a NY senator isn't a bad deal, probably better one than being VP.

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