Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where does Obama's campaign go from here? Will they keep playing the race card?

Do you think Obama will wise up? Or will he call the next few states "bitter people who cling to guns and religion?" Also, do you think he will keep on playing the race card nonstop or will he realize it's hurting him and that no one is stupid enough to think Bill Clinton is a racist?

Where does Obama's campaign go from here? Will they keep playing the race card?
The race card may turn out to be the joker. The worst thing Obama could do is try to appeal to voters along racial lines. A president has a diverse population, and cannot favor just one ethnic group. Since 88% if Blacks voted for Obama, it is obvious they voted for color rather than the candidate.
Reply:It seems to me that Hillary played that card first. Besides she's played the gender card. And sorry to say Obama was right about people being bitter about the current situation in the country. You don't think people are bitter about losing their homes to foreclosure, unemployment, outrageous gas prices, rising food prices. I am getting there myself, however, I don't own a gun, and I'm not particularly religious.

I am a small business owner, but finding it more difficult to make a profit. When I began the business 18 years ago, I had a healthy bottom line, now I barely stay in the black, if things keep going in the same direction I will have no choice but to close my doors. The last 8 years of the Bush Administration has killed it. You can't tell me you wouldn't get bitter.

At least Obama gives me hope. I am in the process of reinventing myself so that I can move forward, diversify, whatever I have to do to restore my overall well being.
Reply:Obama never played the race card. It was everyone else. He in fact has always avoided race. Who called him a Muslim, then he was called a supporter of a so called "racist pastor" This race issue was pressed by the Clintons to force him to talk so that voters who were closet racist or just folks not comfortable voting for a Black man would fear Obama even more. His back ground was always thrown in. Had they found any dirt about his Mother and Father we would have been hearing about that as well. The Clintons even tried to play the race card with his cocaine admission, at least he was honest, remember Bill Clinton didn't inhale!

I believe people need to stop the wining about his guns and religion comment- which was true. You ask any patriot the one thing they hold dear these constitution breaking days is the 2nd Amendment. Ask anyone from New Orleans who had their guns confiscated when thugs were running the streets about what was dear to them. So get over it and stop spinning every word from Obama's mouth. If you don't want to vote for him, vote for 100 years of war, or for 8 years of the Clinton dynasty with forced vaccines and healthcare. Expect Bill to slip up again and for sure there will be more scandals if they get the White house. We will be in war with Iran, and our dollar will be lower than a peso. Americans will start running to Mexico.

Like Harold Ford said today on NBC, Obama needs to start rolling up his sleeves and talk with real people, working class people in their home towns. He needs to talk with the farmers and the blue collar workers. His speaks needs more meat. He needs to also get a little tough and play a little harder. I feel he should talk more about solutions, as well as problems like NAFTA. That should shut the Clintons up for awhile.
Reply:An AP-Yahoo News poll found that about 8 percent of whites would be uncomfortable voting for a black president. The actual percentage is probably higher because voters are shy about admitting a racial prejudice to pollsters.

Both campaigns exploited the race issue. The Clinton camp maneuvered to cast Obama as a candidate whose appeal was limited to blacks. The Obama campaign seized every opportunity — at times overreaching — to accuse the Clinton campaign of playing the race card.
Reply:What exactly is hurting him? I am a Hillary fan - and I can tell you Obama is being called a racist a lot more than anyone. he is not the one playing the race card and he is the one in front. (and even PA was not the size win the Clinton camp needed).

If you think this sort of negativity is helping Clinton or hurting Obama you are wrong.
Reply:If Barack Obama really is a good leader - he would be able to see that he will not win this election, and donate the 20 million dollars in his campaign to a charity - hopefully one that does not only cater to black people.
Reply:They will keep playing the race card.. but it is not so effective anymore since we all learnt that Obamas lifelong friend is racist and Obama called him his mentor... so what does that make him.. and why are people supporting that.

Scares the hell out of me!
Reply:Obama has not played the race card. it's every one else.

Also Hillary- phony black friends" for ditching her despite all she's done on their behalf(meaning black people)

Reply:Obama %26amp; his supporters ALWAYS place the race card----Judging by Obama's ability as a con-artist.....I'm sure he is great at three card monte too
Reply:Who knows. I am waiting for him to trip up again. Time for the press to stir things up by finding something on him and telling us instead of treating him like an overprotected child.
Reply:Stop spending money...Stop on line hatred against Clintons, stop forcing the S delegates for their votes, and finally may be and only maybe media will learn to listen to public.
Reply:Obama thinks he is untouchable. He is the worst thing that could happen to the American Presidency.
Reply:I don't understand why people say it isn't about race when 92% of blacks voted for obama. But to answer your quuestion yes I know we havn't heard the last word on race yet.
Reply:Of course he will continue to play the race card, that's the only card he has left!
Reply:What are you talking about. Senator Obama's campaign goes to Indiana next.
Reply:Why not it help a man get away with murder........O J


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