Thursday, May 20, 2010

OK , I'm On My Way To Friday Cards With Friends - One Of Them Is A Raging Democrat - What Should I Say When He

What Should I Say If/When He Begins His Typical Meltdown When The Rest Of Us Laugh And Joke About The Fixed CNN Debates ? Or Hillary's Illegal Immigrant Driver's License Fiasco ?

Or Bill Clinton's Lie About Whether He Supported The War Or Not ?

Or ?



BTW he's a driver for a major package delivery company that asks 'What Can Brown Do For You' , so please be careful if this guy ever delivers to YOUR HOME !!

Ooooooooh the Humanity !!

OK , I'm On My Way To Friday Cards With Friends - One Of Them Is A Raging Democrat - What Should I Say When He
You should just play cards, it's just a thought!
Reply:tell him the BBC is saying violent deaths have almost stopped in Iraq...Hillary is struggling and on the verge of a breakdown...and if his cardgame goes like the rest of his week..he should just hand his money over to you and get drunk to ease the pain
Reply:Jeeze, he obviously needs to be more on the ball and give you crap about Mitt Romney hiring illegals to work on his yard, Guliani's failure to get equipment for firefighters, or the right wing nutjob that just tried to blow up Hillary Clinton.
Reply:Oh Come On....this is just aching for a good punch line!

Just pat him on the back and tell him....

"Here...drink'll make everything seem much better!" And then just deal the cards.

Remember...when with your friends....don't talk politics, tax or're GUARANTEED to step on somebody's toes!
Reply:Murthas admitting the surge worked
Reply:Everyone is entitled to an opinion and most SMART people, when show overwhelming evidence, can and do change their minds. I have always, since I was able to vote, been a Democrat, but I am still conservative.

I am not the religious right, but I do got to church regularly. I am not a liberal, cause I don't believe in long term welfare, and give away programs funded by working people, like me.

Respect their opinion and when you can, point out the error of their ways and leave it up to them to change, or continue with their " visions of grandeur" dreams. I had a partner in 1st division and always told him, " if you are such a liberal democrat, you can pay my share of taxes to support all those pork barrel projects". He stopped talking politics.
Reply:Quote one of our founding fathers to him:

"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." ---Ben Franklin

Then hand him a brew.
Reply:LOL All you have to do is stick to the facts. That is why he gets p!ssed and storms off. He can't refute the facts.
Reply:Maybe just buy him an extra drink and give him some extra pretzels to keep him busy. Maybe that will keep him occupied and quite.
Reply:You should thank that raging Democrat for his courage to be so patriotic as to BE a raging democrat.

We raging Democrats have a long history of making America the beauty that it is, you know!
Reply:Doesn't sound like you are much of a friend.
Reply:Cards... I hope pinochle if your a good republican. Tell him what Jennifer has done for him and he will understand why your a republican,,,, do you guys in Michigan still have a government or have they packed it up and moved south.

Libsticker.... You can call me John
Reply:I understand that there are about 8 BILLION people on this earth.

Each one is a different individual. Individuals run the whole / complete gamut of diversities, from one extreme to the opposite extreme.

Opinions are like aszholes, everybody has at least one of each , and USUALLY THEY BOTH STINK !!

Isn't it amazing that the Lefty's, are the only people of the 8 Billion on this earth, who have convinced themselves, that THEIR opinions and aszholes are the only things that do not stink??

Careful in using this, as a 'friendship' could be ruined !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Raging democrat?

Tell me, would you rather party with Bill Clinton or Senator Craig?

I'm guessing you would go with the latter.
Reply:You should open a book, and stop watching Fox News.
Reply:You can do what I always do: raise your voice even louder than his (scream) and tell him that's it's best not to talk about it, but unless he's a much different animal than my lib friends, it won't work.
Reply:Talk about chicks and just agree with everything he says :)
Reply:Call him a ****.

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