Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obama or Clinton?

To me,Obama is the best canidate, and usually when I say that being that I'm black, they think that's the reason. It's really not that. Obama is the type of man who gives you a firm handshake and can look you in the eyes and can actually connect with what's going on in your world.

Even though Hilary has more experience being that she's going into her second term as state senate,it seems as if she can't deal with the difficult desicions, so she'd be going to Bill. And to top it all off she is pro-choice and to me that's unacceptable.

Sex vs. Race. I think that's a bunch of bull. Hilary is a woman, whoop dee do, if she can't deal with what's going on,not only in the US but in foreign countries,shes really not worth anything. Obama isnt even fully black, he's 1/8,so if your playing the race card you can put it right back in the deck.

Im not old enough to vote but by the time I start paying taxes and stuff like that I want my country to be worth something and not just a mess.

Obama or Clinton?
I say Obama. Hillary doesn't know what the hell she wants to do. She can't handle what's going on with our country right now. Especially this war. She voted for the damn thing in the first place. We need someone KNOWS what they are going to do. Not empty promises. Do you really think she's gonna be able to have the troops out of Iraq with in 18 months with no chaos and not leaving anyone there to make sure things are alright? she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. and that's only one issue i've talked about.

And f*ck everybody who's saying i'm only voting for him because he's black because if Colin Powell or Clarence thomas ran i sure as hell wouldn't vote for them.
Reply:Have you actually shaken Obamas hand? Or are you just guessing?
Reply:Its because you are black that ask these Questions about Obama , and then answer yourself, and if you are not old enough to vote, then what the #$%%26amp; do you want to know.




What "experience" does she really have? A few years in the Senate, so does Obama?

8 years in the white house as "first lady"? BFD, she wasn't paying that much attention if Bill was getting BJs in the oval office, she probably wasn't there...

She is a political animal and will twist anything into any shape she wants in order to win stupid people's votes, whose vote counts as much as an informed vote.


Reply:none of the above.
Reply:of course you think hes the best candidate , hes black.

hilllary cant deal with whats going on? LMAO, GET REAL. Like OBAMA can? HA
Reply:first pro choice is: a woman having the right to choose wheather to have an abortion or outlawing abortion ( i personally feel it is wrong for me to have an abortion( for religious reasons) but I dont feel that my personal belief should affect all womens right to choose.

Second I am anxious to see if Clinton or Obama does win the presidental election because I really wonder if men would be willing to surrender power to a Woman, or if the over all population in the USA is ready to have a blace man in the white house? So which ever one Clinton or Obama it is deffinately going to be interesting to see what changes our nation has in store.
Reply:Clinton, for it not being about race or sex, over half your response focuses on that. If i take that out I see,

"Obama is the type of man who gives you a firm handshake and can look you in the eyes and can actually connect with what's going on in your world.

Even though Hilary has more experience being that she's going into her second term as state senate,it seems as if she can't deal with the difficult desicions, so she'd be going to Bill. And to top it all off she is pro-choice and to me that's unacceptable.

Im not old enough to vote but by the time I start paying taxes and stuff like that I want my country to be worth something and not just a mess."

I am almost tempted to take out the comment on bill, cause you suggest that her only competence is due to her husband Bill.

choose roller blades

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