Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do whites assume blacks will vote for Hillary Clinton no matter what?

Maybe, blacks would vote for her if she wins fair and square, but as a black person, she lost my vote when she played the gender and the race card.

Her disrespecting all the states except the ones that have Mexicans don't make me smile either.

I can't speak for all blacks, but I WILL vote for Mccain if Hillary is the nominee.

Another thing, Demcrats have said for years that the republicans are the racist.

Yet, I have been astonished and absolutely hurt by real racist who seem to be in the democratic party this election season.

The Republicans have acted like saints compared to many democrats this election season.

Why do whites assume blacks will vote for Hillary Clinton no matter what?
finally, more of my black people see. History has shown the racism in the Democratic party, a group who never really cared about blacks but like there votes. It makes me want to throw up to hear Bill Clinton called the first black president more like first jack ***.
Reply:I think more people assume women will vote for Hillary than assume blacks will vote for Hillary. Both are pretty ridiculous assumptions.
Reply:Obviously not all blacks, but statistically, minorities (except asians) vote Democrat.
Reply:Perhaps they are assuming that because the statistics tell us that is exactly the way this race is shaking out. Are we supposed to ignore the facts and pretend not to notice it because it might sound racist to point it out?

Her so called playing of the gender card has exactly what to do with your vote as a black person? Do black people have a special problem with women who point out the obvious about gender discrimination? Or again, is this something we should all pretend doesn't exist?

As far as the race card? Please. Let's be honest about how this thing started. Both Bill and Hillary made two separate comments in NH that were not meant to be and weren't even close to being of a racist nature. But Obama's people jumped on it like it was the best Christmas gift ever and twisted both comments like pretzels until they could squeeze racism out of both of them. By the time the media and most reasonable people realized it was ridiculous, it was too late, the damage had been done. It worked too, we saw the results in SC. Bill didn't help matters in SC with his Jesse Jackson comment, but part of what made folks wince was that it was true and few would have had the stones to point it out. It wasn't smart of him, and he was frustrated and disgusted with the smear job he and Hillary were getting on the racist front from Obama's followers and watchdogs like Sharpton and Jesse.

Vote for whomever you please, it is your right. But being a person who has railed against racism her whole life, I refuse to see monsters under the bed where there are none. I know the Clinton's record in reaching out to and helping people of color and I know it's patently ridiculous to suggest that either one of them is racist. This Obama = saint, Hillary = devil thing is very tiresome. Sorry, but I call them as I see them and I've seen Obama's campaign do some pretty underhanded campaign work against Hillary Clinton. It was his people who had the nerve to try and link her to Bhutto's assassination, and it was Obama's people who put out a nasty memo on the Internet calling her "Punjab Hillary" because of her political ties to the Indian community in this country. So, please don't try and act like Obama is an injured party where the Clintons are concerned. He's been more than holding his own in the campaign mud throwing game. Be my guest, vote for McCain if Hillary gets the nod. But expect our children for generations to come to continue dying in the Middle East as a result.

EDIT: Oh come on now. Women playing the uterus card? My stepmother is a retired Army Major, 73 years old. An African-American woman who made her way up through the ranks in the old Army riddled with racial and gender bias - and she had both to contend with. She's also a Republican who is not a Hillary fan by any means. But even she has commented that the gender card is still being played by the "boys club," while Hillary has to pussyfoot around trying not to directly accuse of them of exactly what they are clearly doing. Uterus card my foot. When she told the women at Wellesley that she had to learn how to play with the big boys before she could shatter that glass ceiling, every young woman in that crowd knew exactly what she meant and cheered her for it. You may not like her, but please don't try and deny the obvious. She's a woman vying for the job of the leader of the free world, a position previously only held by white men, in a country where a good many men still think being a woman should automatically disqualify them from being anywhere near the nuclear football and the position of Commander in Chief. It is what it is, no sense pretending it doesn't exist. Maybe she can't say it right out loud without being criticized, but the rest of us can. The double standard is alive and well in this country, and we know it.
Reply:I dont assume any black person will do anything besides vote for Obama. It doesnt matter that he is a damn Muslim, blacks dont care, they will vote for him because he is black. No other reason will be used. It doesnt matter though, he won't get elected, not enough black people even vote.
Reply:I am a Democrat and i think that most blacks will vote for Obama...if he gets the nomination, i'll vote for him too.....if Hillary gets the nomination, most blacks will vote for her
Reply:I don't think "whites" assume anything about "blacks" except that they will vote for whoever makes it easier for them to continue collecting welfare, foodstamps and any other governmental assistance. Blacks shouldn't even be allowed to vote unless they have a freakin job.
Reply:I assume most blacks will vote for whoever promises them the most free handouts and special treatment, like usual. The inner cities are full of 'em. But some blacks actually believe in hard work and fair treatment for all. They're called Republicans
Reply:I'm from Illinois and I'm not voting for Obama. The only people he cared about in this state are the ones from Chicago! I hope everyone votes for the person who best represents all American citizens, and not their color, their gender, whether they're Democrat or Republican, or what religion they are.


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