Thursday, May 20, 2010

Clinton leads Obama?

So, Obama is losing his lead because his pastor roughly 8 years ago said "Goddamn America"? He blamed America for the Sept 11th attacks? Are you kidding me? C'mon people, we all know that America was at fault, we had credible intelligence telling us that attacks were in the near future. President Bush has been scolded for his negligence in regards to Sept. 11th. This is old news, so why are people making a huge deal out it and blaming Obama for a pastor's correct justification on the issue? The commission report seconds this failure. Hmm, this begs the issue, are we dealing with something deeper here? Perhaps we're playing the card, guilt by association... are we careful not to criticize the man and use his redundant, yet more aggressive stance as an excuse?

Honestly, American Voters kinda make me sick and want to go to the bathroom to throw up. The greatest nation in the world fails to vote intelligently, but ignorantly. Wow.

By the way, I'm an American.

Clinton leads Obama?
The problem is that many people vote on what I call "beer politics'" that's when people sit around and talk and most have little higher education and hold some strong ethnic views and ask each other some pretty petty questions.
Reply:They are blaming him for bad judgment I would have walked out first time I heard it and if you call yourself an American you should understand that...BTW where you getting 8 years ago he made statements like this as recent as Feb 08
Reply:Damn Adam B deserves best answer!!!
Reply:The Clinton camp knows that racism separates the people. Once you throw racism in the game, nobody listens to the truth. There was one truth that came before the Wright issue:

Geraldine Ferraro got caught saying that the only reason for Obama's success in the campaign was because he's Black. Listen to that: the only reason was because he's Black. If Ferraro felt this way, Hillary Clinton did too. And if that's true, the best attack was to target his Blackness. First, they targeted him, from the prospective of his father's Muslim background. The name "HUSSEIN" flooded the internet. They added the photo to the mix, to further embarrass Obama. But the Muslim angle didn't work; so what else was left? RACISM! Yes, the American people always respond to racism; so they researched Obama's religious background and came up with Rev. Wright. They fed the American people his angry message, knowing that RACISM would override any truth to it. No matter how many others have blamed America for Sept. 11, it's racism when a Black preacher lashes out at a corrupt government.

I am an American too, and it sickens me to know that the American people are so easily fooled. Yes, Hillary Clinton thinks we're fools; and maybe we are, to continuously allow racism to distract us from the truth. Instead of actually LISTENING to Wright's tirade, people only heard the catch words, because that's what they were programmed to hear. Once again, racism takes the forefront, instead of truth, and the greatest nation in the world is weakened. Instead of coming together, as was Obama's encouragement, racism separates the people once again, while a corrupt government continues to prosper. We are indeed fools.
Reply:I voted Hillary...

Not going to be fooled by a snake ready to strike!

If Obama wins, I support McCain 100%!
Reply:Oh whatever
Reply:American? are you? Not hardly it you are swallowing Obama's lies.

A vote for Obama is a vote to destroy America.

Get your head out of the sand.

I feel sorry for you, if this is the best you can do.
Reply:Obama a liar? Has he ever cheated on your mum or what?
Reply:He said a lot of other things than that. White man created aids to kill us off. that must have slipped your mind
Reply:I'm afraid you misunderstand, he did not only say GD America eight years ago, he said as recently as last year, and he is not blaming America for 9/11 because we had intelligence that knew it was going to happen, he is blaming them because they have invaded other countries, so that these countries could have a chance at the freedom that we have and because we were attacked by other countries.
Reply:Listen man, we never come to grips with out own issues. There are still people here who think Vietnam was a good idea, and that we would've won if only there were no hippies. Do you really think you're going to convince these people to examine the geopolitical causes behind 9/11 and come to the right conclusion? Or to reflect on their own privilege and conclude that black people in this country might, just might, have something to be legitimately upset over? I fear you're giving our countrymen too much credit.
Reply:Mr Jansen -

Whenever I see people use phrases like "c'mon people, we all know that...", I know that the person using the phrase has no evidence and is appealing to a mass mentality to help him support his beliefs.

Intelligence is not and cannot be a criterion for voting. If it were done that way, then the elite (like you) would place yourself in a position to decide who is intelligent and who is not, based on your singular view of things. This is what resulted in events like the French Revolution, where a lot of "intelligent" people were killed unnecessarily, and all sorts of dictatorships where some folks have decided that others are not the right kind of people to vote. If this really makes you ill, then you should go and live somewhere where voting is limited or nonexistent.

As for the good pastor's justification, he can say anything he wants. I marched with civil rights groups in the 60s. You were not there at the time. I doubt if Rev. Wright was there at the time. I was thanked for all my efforts over the years opposing racism by having my son not be able to attend the college of his choice because he was white. It has been 40 years since I stood up against racism. It does not exist now as even a shadow of what it was then, and while I am pleased at those results, I am dismayed when I consider how much longer I may have to listen to the complaining and the anger and the indignation directed at me. I did nothing to deserve it. How many more decades of inner city tax breaks, welfare programs that don't work, demands for endless reparations, and fathers that have no sense of responsibility? How many more decades of excuses for really obnoxious statements based on "well, it's justifiable rage based on history" or "it's necessary in order to maintain the black culture?" How much longer?
Reply:Are you sure of your information. ? Obama seems to doubt this man now. Are you not angry because a woman is getting the vote ?
Reply:wow jansen!! i couldnt have said it better myself. you are one smart american.
Reply:ever study sociology? if so then you will understand what I mean when I say

you are who you associate your self with

funny how some people are judged by the company they keep... while others are not.
Reply:Meanwhile back at the ranch the battle of the school children continues
Reply:8 years ago?you better check again that was from his dec 25 2007 sermon

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