Monday, May 24, 2010

Do you think Obama should write Bush a thank you card?

Why? When President Bush -- thousands of miles away in Israel -- decided to fire his thinly veiled shot at Obama yesterday, it was a giant gift to the Obama and his campaign

1) One, it essentially kept Clinton on the sidelines just two days after her big West Virginia victory.

2) Obama’s opponent was no longer Clinton or McCain, but the man with the 27% job-approval rating.

3) It rallied Democrats to Obama’s side. Even neutral Dems, like Joe Biden, Rahm Emanuel and Harry Reid, quickly leapt to Obama’s defense.

- Mark Murray

Do you think Obama should write Bush a thank you card?
Yeah, just keep it up, Bush. He's the gift that keeps on giving. It only shows everyone how lame the Republicans are. Just compare anything to Hitler and expect everyone to fall in line to your position. People are looking for answers to problems this election cycle. Simplistic tricks like Bush's latest stunt aren't going to work.
Reply:Some things you left out.

1) it showed America that he does want to negotiate with terrorist .

2)It showed that when his faults are pointed out he is at a loss of an answer.He can strike out at Bush,but offer no answers to why he said this.

3) Bush never mentioned Obama,why is everyone so upset,unless of course they know what Bush says is true.

4) it's funny how when someone attacks the Democrats ,it's a disgraceful thing that should never happen on foreign soil.But the Dems are chronically attacking Bush.Talk about Hypocrites.
Reply:Even with all of that, Democrats are too divided, and no way we will join together for tea and biscuits a few weeks before the general election. ridiculous feminists boycotts, obama pride, racism, sexism!!! I find it naive of these experienced politicians to suggest we will join and heal by then. I may have not been in politics long, but i know a thing or too about grudges.
Reply:Obama is a fool, it is obvious that he has a guilty conscious. He must know how wrong he was when he said he would talk to our enemies to find out why they are so mad at us. That is known as appeasement!!!!! Anyone with even an 8th grade education knows that. If Obama is the best the Democrats can come up with they are even dumber then we first thought!!

The man is clueless about how to begin thinking BEFORE you make a speech to the crowds. Maybe if he used that common sense, he would not look so damn stupid next time.

gee ya think?
Reply:It was hilarious watching all the liberal snowflakes go Ape shiite when they took personal offence to Bush's statement. As if those words struck nerves the Democrats didnt know they had, Bush really hit a button and the dems feel offended as if they know they are no different than the appeasers of two generations ago.
Reply:I hope George W. keeps flapping his gums because it's going to remind the country how misguided the GOP is. It's also going to remind republicans of how poor their judgement is and make it more likely that they'll sit on their hands in November.
Reply:What does this have to do with the general election??

The fact that hilary supporters will support Mccain in the general, mean's obama doesn't stand a chance to win. NOT A CHANCE AT ALLLLLLLLL!!!!! This mean's nothing, nada!!!



Reply:I think we all should write Bush a thank you card for showing all what a coward Obama really is. Obama pretty much validated this by whining when the key word "appeasement" was spoken.
Reply:I agree with 1

2 Obamas opponents are on all sides

3 The neutral dems are basically rallying around who they will support as soon as he wraps up the nomination.
Reply:Bush nailed Obama and his childish notion that if he goes to Iran and says just the right thing to a pack of islamofascists, that they'll say "Well! Since you put it THAT way.....".
Reply:I think that Obama should write a resignation letter and an apology to the American people for wasting our time with his platitudes and boring slogans.
Reply:President Bush has been unsuccessful in terms of foreign policy. Whatever he says we should probably do the opposite.
Reply:Yes, that deserves much gratitude.

LOL, Bush seems a little intimidated by Barack, huh?
Reply:i think the whole thing is stupid..

you can say whatever you want to say and so can Bush!
Reply:BUShH has nothing to do with foreighn affairs. That is Condaleeza Rice and everyone loves her.
Reply:Sure. It will be the only time he gets to write the white house address on anything.
Reply:it can work against obama
Reply:Yeah, if he wants a republican in the White House.
Reply:No, I don't think he should and know this is a leading question.

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