Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obama and Clinton- racism in the primaries?

Don't you think that Hilary has blown it with her racist attack on Obama? For a Democrat it was rather disappointing to see her stoop so low. Obama is half-African, half-Irish- what is the problem with him dressing in African dress on a trip to his father's homeland? If he had gone to Ireland and drunk Guiness, worn a shamrock and danced a gig no one would have said anything would they?

This also brings me to another point. In my experience there are two kinds of racists

1. The in your face I will call you a ni@@er type- well they may be low but at least they are honest.

2. The "we are not racist at all type"- that is until their daughter comes home with a black man.... enough said. The closet racists- in my opinion both are bad but the latter rather than the former are in a way worse!

Has Hilary perhaps shown herself to be the latter type? It is interesting that it is the white candidate who has played a race card!

Any thoughts?

Obama and Clinton- racism in the primaries?
What gets my goat is, why they go on and on about Obama being 'the first black Presidential candidate.'

That, in itself is incorrect. He is in fact 'the first mixed-race Presidential candidate.'

Seems to me they play the colour card, when it pleases them -- white today, black tomorrow but never mixed race!

In answer to your question.....I don't think Hilary Clinton -- and I am not a fan of hers --falls into either of your categories. Neither do I think, she was playing the 'race card', as you put it.
Reply:What did she actually say?
Reply:so are you saying Hillary is racist or the just the whole of the white race. this whole debate is getting tiresome in the extreme, racists racists everywhere.
Reply:I didn't know that the Senator from Illinois was also a Rock Star. "Gig"s are performed, 'jigs' are of the Terpsichorean variety. (And there I was, thinking you were perfect - you'll have to settle for excellence!) Now, let us tackle the 'gist' of your argument: I was talking to a neighbour once, father to 6 sons and 1 daughter. "Kept on going mate, know what ah mean?" I asked him (my neighbour) what his reaction would be, if 'the apple of his eye' brought home her very first boyfriend who happened to be Black. The immediate (without any thought or hesitation 'slap, bang, wallop' response) "it won't happen mate." As the Turks say: "Yol" - ('the way.') In conclusion, this "race card" crap, is getting so far up my nose, I can feel Mrs Clinton's 'loolies' 'Lester-Piggoting' my mammaries. By the way: Neither young Hillary, nor, the better looking Barack Obama (trust me when I state, that, the Black Race is far, far better looking than the White Race) are making it to the White House.
Reply:You are seriously deluded, why do you assume that when any white person disagrees or dislikes a black person it is racist, is it not racist to assume people in Ireland drink Guinness wear shamrocks, dance jigs? and while we are on the subject why don't you ask Obama what he meant when he said he belongs to an "unashamedly black church"

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