Monday, May 24, 2010

Goliath Hilary struggling with David Obama?

Why so?

And Hillary has to lie, play race card, bash and destroy her opponent/party just to get the nomination by all means?

Was Hillary not in power with Bill for eight years?

Could they have done all they now preach to the electorates?

Is the white house and American leadership just for the CLINTON/BUSH?

Goliath Hilary struggling with David Obama?
Hilary has not told any more lies than Obama, and race card, please, that's Obama again.

Being first lady has nothing to do with being in power. Even so THOSE WERE THE BEST 8 YEARS OF OUR LIVES w/ jobs and money to go around (...gee, it would be a shame to let that happen again)

The Clinton/ Bush thing is silly, Hillary is a Clinton by marriage only, not Bill's inept inbred son.
Reply:I think the main focus we should have, is on the fact that Obama, is a ex? Muslim, al Jazzera endorses him!!, goes to a church where his "pastor" hates white people, and Obama swore on the Quran when he took office as a Senator, instead of the Bible. We need to focus on his lies, and make them obvious to the American voters, since the media ignores it.

We must save America, by voting against a Socialist Muslim, who's wife says she wasn't proud to be an American until a few months ago.

We must vote for a candidate who has PROVEN, without doubt, that she LOVES her country!


Obama is Anti-American; he refuses to wear an American flag pin, and won’t even recite the pledge of Allegiance! FACTS THAT HURT
Reply:this is our chance to say hell no

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