Thursday, May 20, 2010

If Obama look over to Bill Clinton and asked him..?

was it worth know Hillary made him marry her before she put out....when will Obama pull the Monica card...

If Obama look over to Bill Clinton and asked him..?
Do you have any pills that allow you to make sense? If so, take them now.
Reply:Obama would never go there - he's far too classy.
Reply:Here's a joke I made which I want a credit if you use

Reporter: Bill how will you be celebrating becoming the first first gentlemen?

Heckler:By re-christening the Oval Office

Bill: Close, but no cigar.

Well I thought it was good.

How come you find it acceptable for Hillary to cry when the going gets tough, bring up the incident for sympathy (which she road to New Yorker senator anyway), start the race row in the first place (comments about MLK) to boost her own campaign, and have her husband do all the dirty work of criticizing Obama so she doesn't have to. He's carrying her campaign up the stairs, they're never separated.

But don't find it appropriate for Obama to do the same thing?

The most powerful person in the world needs to do more than cry when there's trouble.

Anyway, why shouldn't they all talk about Monica? She's the only reason Hillary's there. She's done more for her career than anyone.

Reply:The whole world knows about monica, that would be old news, but Hillary is staying on more positive issues and seems to be on top of her game.
Reply:When did monica pull bill ?

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