Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dissuaded from Clinton.... Questions about Obama and Edwards...?

I have to first say that after reading drudge today My opinion has changed. Bill %26amp; Hillary are both baiting the race card, I didnt see it until just now, with Bill saying "Obama is just like Jessie Jackson, back in '84 %26amp; '88 winning in S.C."

So here is my question. What is the MAJOR differences (NON RACIAL) in Edward's Campaign and Obama's? I have only really been following Clinton %26amp; Obama on the Dem side. So please someone, catch me up, Clinton just lost my support.

Dissuaded from Clinton.... Questions about Obama and Edwards...?
Senator Edwards opposed the Peru Trade Agreement (this is an extension of NAFTA %26amp; it'll outsource more American jobs overseas), while Senator Obama voted in favor of it %26amp; Senator Edwards has pledged to have all combat troops out of Iraq by the end of his first year in office, while Senator Obama hasn't provided any clarity on the issue. Senator Obama's health care plan leaves 20 million people uninsured, Senator Edward's proposal covers everyone.. Senator Obama wants to increase troop presence in Afghanistan, while Senator Edwards supports a phased withdrawal.. Senator Obama accepts contributions from lobbyists, PAC’s %26amp; corporations, while Senator Edwards doesn’t %26amp; lastly Senator Obama supported Bush's sanctions against Iran and co-sponsored a bill designating the Iranian National Guard a terrorists organization, while Senator Edwards feels that we should handle the situation with diplomacy. We don’t have the economy for another war!
Reply:A democrat by any name still smells the same -- like SCHEIT!

Vote for yourself; you can do better than any politician running.
Reply:They are both very liberal and will sock it to the taxpayers. I suppose Edwards is more supportive of trial lawyers given his career even though both went to law school. To me though they are very similar, just that Obama is a fresher political face
Reply:Obama and Edwards policies are fairly similar, they both are against the lobbyists and companies running legislation.

A major difference is in their approach to a health care plan.

Edward's plan would cover all Americans, and all Americans would pay for the plan.

Obama's lowers the cost and those that want the health care can afford it but would have a choice.

Personally I have sided with Obama, but I really like Edwards as well. I think Obama's plan is one that can actually get through congress, as the universal plan goes...I don't think the republicans will ever let that one pass.
Reply:Obama is pro-choice and for gay marriage (civil union as he wants to call it).
Reply:All the democrats are going to do the same thing so it doesn't matter. They will raise taxes. They will take from the middle class and give it to the poor. Small businesses will be targeted. Our country won't be as secure. And worse, the economy will go down. Oh, and Obama is worse than Clinton about using the race card. So if that is why you don't like Clinton, then you definately don't like Obama.

He is rubbish.
Reply:She lost your vote? For being truthful?

Would you have preferred that they lied? Yep...Obama continues to draw the support of the naive people of America. This is getting sickening! LOL


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