Monday, May 24, 2010

Why does the corporate media say "both sides have played the race card"?

All I've seen is non-stop race-baiting from Clinton that reminds me of George Wallace.

What exactly has the Obama campaign done wrong? Somebody accidentally called Clinton a monster on-the-record, the paper printed it, and she resigned?

Guess what - Clinton IS a monster.

Why does the corporate media say "both sides have played the race card"?
The media invented the Race Card, and now they are playing it more than anyone else. Shameful.
Reply:All I've seen is anytime Obamas shortcomings are pointed out, or he is criticized, the next day they are accused of being racist.

Its stunning, men and women who have spent years helping and fighting for equal rights are suddenly called racists by the very people they have dedicated their lives to helping.

Guess what - Clintons not the monster.
Reply:Because they played it for them.

Any criticism of Obama is called racist.
Reply:careful what did a monster ever do to earn a comparission to Atillary
Reply:Early in the campaign, before the South Carolina and Georgia primaries, Barack Obama's advisors were fretting that he would not get solid support from the African American community. Key civil rights figures such as Andrew Young and John Lewis endorsed Hillary. So I do think that there was a conscious effort to emphasize his racial identity, particularly when he was campaigning in the south among African American voters.
Reply:Yeah, love that unbiased media. : (
Reply:because they have.
Reply:Any time Clinton is gaining, Obama cries "racism" - they said it about Hillary's remarks about LBJ and the Civil Rights Act; about Bill's comments regarding Jesse Jackson in the South Carolina primary; and about that ridiculous "3 AM" commercial.

Now knowing what we know about his mentor and spiritual advisor, is it any wonder Obama sees "racism" under every rock?!? I mean when you live in a country you hate ("God DAMN America!") because it's ruled by "rich white people" everything must look racist to you.
Reply:Yeah . . . it's not like Obama's campaign released a memo which pointed out potentially race baiting comments or anything . . . oh wait a minute they did.
Reply:LOL, accidentally, you Obamaholics are to much.

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