Thursday, May 20, 2010

If Obama is such a bad guy why aren'y more people steping out of the dark to pull him card?

i've only seen Rev. Wright. but what about his buddies or that guy that sat next to him on the bus. if he's so out to get every american wouldn't it have to be planed out in advance. why haven't his own supporters turn on him? are McCain or Clinton supporters using the scare tactic to make him look bad?

If Obama is such a bad guy why aren'y more people steping out of the dark to pull him card?
Barack Obama is a member of the extreme left. Most of his friends and associates also appear to be members of the extreme left.

Also Obama's close friends and associates will benefit from appointments to cushy Federal jobs that are well paid and require little work.

Obama's friends and associates will support him because they are extreme leftist themselves. Also they will get lots of goodies if Barack Obama wins the General Election and the Presidency.
Reply:Sure they are, it seems that this election is nothing more than a ploy to make history probably for all three candidates. McCain will be the oldest president to be elected, Hillary will be the first woman ever to be elected as president, and Obama will be the first African American president. Why do you think they are fighting so hard for position and pulling out all of the stops? Instead of this presidency being about changing America, its about making history. And many Americans have been duped into believing the media's lies and focusing on the wrong things. Its sad really, not many candidates really believe in making the world a better place, so it looks like we will have 4 more years of the same thing.
Reply:What? Scare card? Rev. Wright and Ayers are REAL. You think Hillary and McCain are trying to scare you? If that scares you it ought to because its TRUE!! You are just choosing not to believe it. He went there for 20 years. Why you blaming Hillary and McCain that makes NO since. This is what he has been doing for 20 years. Yes it makes him look bad. IT IS BAD!!!! Ha! Ha! They can't make it look bad, it freaking IS bad. Its not good. WAKE up. I can't believe you don't see all the red flags around this guy. Read his book, listen to his Pastor and Mentor, you probable can't . It makes me physically ill to listen to him for 5 seconds. Pray, you better Pray. You are being fooled.
Reply:Not all people are wise and have insight...a good example is 65% of the democratic party. No one said he is a 'bad guy", his policies and programs are flawed. Who said 'bad guy', only the questioner who supposedly supports him. There in lies the best example of the difference between the voters and who they support. Not being able to distinguish so much in what is being fed to us. And disagreeing with obuma does not mean he is a 'bad guy', yet you made the assertion yourself that he is a bad guy, no one else.
Reply:Obama is a bad man only in the mind of those that do not want anyone but a White Person as President. This country has many nationality and there should be more than just whites in the Oval Office. I do not see where any other candidate has as many videos of their questionable associations like we see for Obama , and none of them come to us with "clean hands ". Hillary and McCain have associations that are questionable,but that see to be ok with White America.
Reply:Even the President, in Isreal, is trying to drive a wedge between our countries. He is attempting to alienates the jewish poulation against the Next Administration. His FAILURE to broker peace agreements, has made him bitter. He now relies on his guns and religion. He believes that if he scares the Jews, McSame will get their votes
Reply:Its very difficult for a white person to attack a black person in any sort of way that might seem racially motovated.

There are videos out there that show many others linked to obama as well as a flag hung up in Obamas H.Q with a picture of a war lord on it.
Reply:Your missing the point . . . there's an inherent foreign relations policy tactic attached to each of these anecdotal sound bytes . . . so you either believe that we haven't given our enemies enough of a chance to love us or you don't.
Reply:Because he is black, and therefore protected. You have to be very careful or you will be accused of racism. it's the same reason Jesse Jackson isn't in jail for taxes right now.

Facts. You cannot make someone look bad without facts.

At least that is all I look into. I don't look into anything but the facts.
Reply:No, we're using the "you don't know what you're getting yourself into" tactic.
Reply:You don't have to make Obama look bad. He does it on his own.
Reply:People are sometimes too scared to tell the truth.
Reply:brother if Obama don't scare are too far gone...and you will believe anything
Reply:Cause they all agree with his radical ways. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Reply:Obama is a liar and a racist Muslim who wants too create One World Government what will give his African Muslim Brothers the same say in World Affairs as the U.S. It used too be that you could go too his so called churches website at ans see that despite Obama's claims too be the candidate who would uninte the races for change. His so called church does not admitt Whites or Hispanics and openly stated that they favored Aricans over Americans. The site also advocated One World Government. It was also stated on the site that it was a Muslim Mosque not a church as Obama has repeatedly said. Remember it was Obama ho refused too take his Congressional Oath Of Office on the Bible and he was allowed too take it on the Koran(Muslim Bible) too avoid raceism and lack of freedom of religion by the other candidates. Now the site has totally changed and Reverend Wright is no longer listed as Pastr which means that despite Obama's defence of Wight on National T.V. that Obama had him ousted and the site totally changed. the site. You can go too Uninted Christian and see that Wright is no longer the Pastor and that two other people are listed as co-pastors. I am sure that Reverend Wright will have something too say about Obama before this is all over and will tell the American People the truth about Obama's raceism. In any case we do not need a Presidet who is soft on terrorism which is dominated by Muslims world wide as our President. By the way before the site was changed I referred numerous people who asked questions about Obama on answers and received several best answer notices for my truthfullness and readiness too stand against this liar and raceist. I was originally sent this website info by a friend who thought that I should know the truth about Obama.
Reply:Yes, an now I see McCain is playing the fear card saying that if a Democrat is elected, the chances of the US being attacked again increase.

The arguement is so lame.

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