Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bill Clinton to Hillary: I'm bringing you down babe?

Bill is breaking out the race card crap again!

Is he TRYING to sink Hillary?

Bill Clinton to Hillary: I'm bringing you down babe?
The arrogant redneck won't be able to live with the fact that she will have the final say. He has been in charge up to this point, but now reality is beginning to set in, and he may not be able to live with it !

If he keeps up the race card crap, he may not be welcome back to his office in Harlem ! Wouldn't that be a stitch !
Reply:I say he is pissed she keeps saying she is against all these things he did when in office like NAFTA. But she takes credit for the good things he did! Besides i heard she will only hire male interns...wheres the fun in that for Bill?
Reply:I doubt it. After all, if he gets to move back into the White House, he knows all of the neat hiding places he can keep his girl friends.

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