Monday, May 24, 2010

Do you people actually know what a liberal is?

I hear Hillary Clinton called liberal, but if anything she's the most centrist candidate. She's spineless, yes, but she's not that liberal. Joe Biden and Dennis Kucinich are the true liberals. And, before you go on calling me a commie I just want to say that for three months I was a card carrying socialist, but my dad (who was worried about the patriot act) pretended to be me and canceled my membership. It was a joke, but still, I would vote for a dirty pinko commie. I am not even sure I would do it ironically. GO LIBERALS!!!

Do you people actually know what a liberal is?
Ive been trying to figure out exactly WHEN it became such a HORRIBLE thing to be a Liberal. Liberal stands for peace, freedom, and honesty and responsibility in business. Why are these concepts considered so negative by the Cons?

I love hearing Cons comment in YA about how (paraphrase) "I thought Liberals were supposed to be the tolerant ones", meaning of course, conservatives are NOT considered tolerant, so it begs the question, why would anyone want to be considered intolerant and against good government and responsible business practices?
Reply:Hillary has only been centrist since she started eyeing the presidency a few years ago. Maybe its you who doesn't understand what a liberal is?

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