Monday, May 24, 2010

Have you seen the consequences for senators that are pro illegal?

The conservative Powerline blog says the poll is significant for McCain's "dreadful showing" of 7% and says a big chunk of his earlier support went to former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson, who is expected to enter the race next month. Over at The Shot, a roundup of state political news, they've posted a "get well" card for McCain's campaign

Earlier this week there was word from a Mason-Dixon Poll in South Carolina that Sen. John McCain had dipped to fourth among Republican presidential hopefuls in that early-decision state. Now, a Mason-Dixon Poll of Republicans in even-earlier Iowa shows his support there at 6%. Leading the GOP field in Iowa: Mitt Romney at 25%. On the Democratic side there, Mason-Dixon has Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (22%) and former senator John Edwards (21%) basically tied -- with Sen. Barack Obama close behind at 18%.

Have you seen the consequences for senators that are pro illegal?
The Pro Amnesty representatives`can pay us now with a NO Amnesty Vote and keep their careers` , or they can vote YES to Amnesty now , and pay us later with their careers !
Reply:Its too early to tell, most candidates are waiting to see which way the wind is blowing in this issue.
Reply:I'm sure McCain is disputing these numbers. But, what does he expect? When you have an issue that has 80% of Americans against it and you are trying to get it to pass, of course he's dead meat! (When can you get 80% of Americans to agree on anything?)

I think the thing that might get the Washington weasels to vote against this pile of crap is to save their jobs. They will hopefully wakeup to the fact that Americans are pissed!
Reply:Its early; it will be forgotten by the masses long after its passed....just like the fines they've suggested would be there, just like the fence they say they'd build and just like the employer sanctions they say would exist....all will soon be forgotten until its time for another 40 million to get "amnesty"
Reply:Anyone Supporting The Amnesty scam , can go fishing

because they are out of the Race.
Reply:Well, I agree for the most part but I'd like to see Tom Tancredo taken seriously!
Reply:By supporting the shamnesty bill, our elected officials are handing their re-election chances to their opponents.

They are asking to become political has-beens.
Reply:I agree with you, but you have to realize that there isn't a front runner. no one is willing to be the first to open his/her mouth on a given issue and take a stand. The closest thing I've seen so far is John Edwards coming out and saying that he voted for the war, but now he's against it, and he made a mistake. Obama stays in the middle and Hillary just doesn't say anything about it, hoping that it will go away and she won't have to address it.

The problem with McCain, is that this isn't the first time he's running. People see him as a professional candidate, with no hopes to actually get the presidency.
Reply:Ruth has admitted to being Shrink and most of us know by now that RLP is also Aunt Acid and who knows how many other accounts they have. Ruth likes to say "Libs can't take a joke" yet when images and words from there 360 are put up for all to appreciate in good fun, then it's not so funny - I guess conservatives can't take a joke either. I have news for you all: calling liberals traitors for voicing opposition to a war is shameful and personal and you deserve whatever you get from us in response.

"If we DO NOT JUDGE - we lose the ability to decide what is good and what is evil..." is a direct word-for-word quote from RLP's blog. Ruth told Sister Aimee she didn't agree with that view but I bet she never told RLP that.

One of Sister Aimee's questions was "Do liberals just need a GOOD OLD FASHIONED SPANKING?" Yahoo called it a violation but said nothing when RLP asked the EXACT SAME QUESTION 4 months ago and no one complained. All you cons are PROVEN HYPOCRITES! ROTFLMAO!!
Reply:Yes they will be voted out and rightly so.
Reply:If anyone needed more evidence of what a dummass mccain is, here it is.

I will NOT be voting for my senators (Texas) or representative, even tho they purport to be against this bill. I expect to see them on the news every day from making such a stink against the amnesty bill, but I don't. I only see mccain, kennedy, bush and all the other usual suspects.

Where is the outrage? Where is the passion? Get noticed ferfuksake!
Reply:booo i want ron paul not more of the same
Reply:Good. I REFUSE to vote for any of the idiots that vote for amnesty! I have ALWAYS voted for Democrats, but no longer!
Reply:This is coming from the guy who said "I feel sorry for you, multiculturism sucks," from that statement alone you proved you are nothing but a white supremist. America was founded on immigrants, and the only true Americans (natives) are brown. Just remember that when trying so hard to get rid of families in America and sending them back to their homeland because you feel uncomfortable.
Reply:the senators are right

anyone who thinks "no amnesty" is even possible has lost their grip on reality
Reply:Yeah how about that? Both Obama and Clinton support "amnesty"(its not amnesty) so that kinda disproves your theory doesnt it.

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