Monday, May 24, 2010

Why is Obama playing the race card?

You see Obama and his wife starting all this commotion and making a big deal over nothing with the Clinton's... it's already getting dirty.. What's wrong with them?

Why is Obama playing the race card?
It's the only card he is holding.

Even so, he's 2 cards shy of a pair.

King Chrissy, while it would seem to make sense for them to both be attacking the Republicans, you are going on the assumption that their motives are pure (purely to get the Republicans out of the White House). Both of them have one motivation - to be President at any legal cost. Since each of them is drawing from the same voter pool, they need to convince members of that pool that they are better than the other person. Simply attacking the Republicans does not distinguish them from each other. But explaining their positions carries a lot of liability (if they make statements that they are more Liberal than the other person, how is that going to play out in November when Moderates and Conservatives join the pool of voters they are competing for). So it's a lot easier to just show what a terrible person their opponent is.
Reply:Well, it was ALWAYS going to come up - sooner or later - no matter who raised its ugly little head up.

Personally, I think the Clinton's got the ball rolling this time and now the rest of us can watch the Dems go off the rails (once again) as they embarrass themselves and the rest of us by showing (once again) how parochial their appeal really is.

Tell Mikey P that he really, really needs to get a life - Karl Rove is so over as a political subject that it's time for Mikey P to get up, shower, get dressed, leave his bedroom, say hi to mommy and daddy, and then go out of the house and look really, really hard for a way to make a contribution. So there - end of diatribe #1,932.
Reply:The black community getting pissed at a pretty stupid comment by Clinton does not equal Obama playing the race card. Dude hasn't said word one about race.
Reply:It appears you have it wrong. The media is the one playing the race card, not Obama.
Reply:I'm with Kayla. Feel free to enlighten us with actual sources...
Reply:You play the best hand you've got. People will tire of it soon and another candidacy will bite the dust.
Reply:That's politics.
Reply:Seems both candidates are "playing " the race card in a he said/she said media frenzy.....................

1) Hillary Clinton had said King's dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964,

2) "I think it offended some folks who felt that somehow diminished King's role in bringing about the Civil Rights Act," Obama told reporters on a conference call. "She is free to explain that, but the notion that somehow this is our doing is ludicrous."

Obama and Clinton are just trying to one-up each other with the voters but in the long run voters are going to have to decide which one is worthy of their vote.
Reply:It's easy. I won't vote for anyone who uses racism to get votes.

You've got to admit, though, that Hillary got down and dirty first. Her people have sent out chain emails insisting that Obama is a Muslim or, if not him, than his father was a radical Muslim. People still believe this nonsense! Then there's the way she harps on his drug use--20 or so years ago.

I'm not fan of either one of them.
Reply:Why? Because he's black. Which means at any given time under any given situation he can claim discrimination and racial profiling. FOR ANY REASON HE WANTS TO.
Reply:The same thing wrong with the Clinton's she's claiming sexism on her part.

It is the Only way he can get the Black Vote away from Hillary.

He must use the Race Card.

(Like the Clintons have done for years.)

Bill was the First Black President.

The Clintons have already said that Obama is not Black.
Reply:The only people playing the race card are the Republicans. Not the candidates, but the Karl Rove types, who are spreading pernicious rumors about Obama. It'll stop only if Hillary regains full momentum, and then they'll go right back to the crap they tell us about her.
Reply:They think it will help them but I don't think it will.
Reply:Got me... Obama isn't even black... he's mulatto... the idea of him being the "First Black President" is almost as ludicrous as Halle Berre being the "First Black Female Oscar Winner"...
Reply:He is a racist.
Reply:They've shown their true colors . . . I am so done.
Reply:hillary is playing the gender card.

what I find sickening about the whole affair is that they're supposed to be part of the same party. shouldn't they be slagging off republicans, not each other?
Reply:Maybe the Clintons Dixiecrat side is showing. BTW,screw all the Dems. They wanted this pc crap. Now deal with it.
Reply:Both Obama and Hiliary are taking every opportunity to make the other canidate to look bad, because they both realize the next couple of states are important.
Reply:sad thing is..that he wont directly play is obviously connected to him..i mean who else would profit by implying the clintons are racist against blacks?

anyone who doesnt think he's connected to that is a couple fries short of a happy meal
Reply:lol obama's never played the race card,the media is what blew what clinton said out of poportion
Reply:i think Obama has a right 2 defend what the clintons stated because it was not true.
Reply:Wow, I had no idea he was playing the race card. Do you have any sources to support this libelous claim?
Reply:I think he is "not black enough" to play the race card! HA HA HA HA HA.
Reply:Hillary and Obama are fighting over who is the blackest. Both of them are trying to play the race card. That is just one of the cards hillary is playing, she is also playing the immigration, gender, the I was poor once and the killer cry card. Obama doesn't have anything but the race and the blank change card.

I just one of them could play the Statesman card.
Reply:as a black guy, i think he is pathetic.
Reply:Obama didn't start any commotion. There were several black leaders that took issue with Hillary's comments, but Obama simply said that she chose her words poorly. I have yet to see any solid evidence of Obama playing the race card or attempting to tap into white guilt.

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