Monday, May 24, 2010

Is anyone suprised Obama had Wesley Clark insult McCain's war record?

Bill Clinton has already told everyone he uses the race card.

Is anyone suprised Obama had Wesley Clark insult McCain's war record?
No, I wasn't surprised, he specializes in that type of dirty tricks.

Baracka plays dirty. He always sends someone else out with his message so he can have "clean hands". He did it to Clinton, actually both Clintons. He sent his people out there to attack Ferraro. He did the same thing to his opponents in his race for the Illinois Senate and the US Senate and because of his dirty tricks he ran unopposed. He had his people start calling for Clinton to drop out months ago. Of course he is the media's darling and the pieces about him sounded like paid advertisements.

He uses his race as a shield and as a sword. It has served him well. I have no respect for him.
Reply:I have to laugh. You think every Major, Admiral, or General out there doesn't get annoyed when they hear how "qualified" McCain is?

McCain has a middle management military resume. At best. Compare McCain's resume against ANY of the generals being talked about as VP. I think it must burn them up when they hear civilians talking about McCain's qualifications. "How many times was he captured?"

I doubt Obama asked Clark to do it. I watched the clip, and I think Clark was happy to make the case. Now could Clark be angling for the VP job? Certainly.
Reply:Obama didn't have Clark insult McCain's war record. Clark said that McCain's experience in the Vietnam War doesn't translate into good experience to be President. Here's the quote: "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president."
Reply:Clark's comments were rehearsed and polished by the DNC. Who goes on the Sunday shows without polished talking points.

True, the Constitution say nothing about military experience being a qualifying factor for president, but Obama and his camp didn't realize that they have no experience to contrast with McCain to say who has more or better military experience.

Couple that with Clark's praise for Kerry's limited action in Viet Nam during the 2004 convention, Clark came off looking like a fool and a tool of Obama.
Reply:Please stop spreading lies. Obama did not have Wesley Clark insult McCain's war record. Clark is his own man and Obama cannot control what comes out of his mouth. Being the man of integrity that he is, Obama apologized to McCain and pledged that he will never attack anyone's military record. Personally, I agree with Clark. I am sick of McCain acting like just because he was a POW, he is entitled to the presidency. The four last presidents who claimed military experience all lost.
Reply:Obama lets his supporters and surrogates do his dirty work. He has from the beginning.

It is just another slight of hand trick... "oh someone is saying something bad and below the belt about Hillary, McCain, etc but I can sweep in after the damage is done and appear gracious" it is a lot like a Judge telling the jury to "disregard" the prosecutions statements in court. He knows that once it has been said, it can't be unsaid and he uses this to his advantage time and time again.
Reply:If you actually watched Clark, then you know he didn't attack McCain's war record, which those on the right would have you believe. He didn't even bring the subject up...he was answering a question put to him by Bob Shieffer. What he said was that McCain's military service did not automatically qualify him to be President...he never ordered bombings or missions or led troops in combat. Being a POW does not make one more qualified to be a leader of the free world than the next guy. But the story got twisted real fast...
Reply:John McCain is way too old and slow to be president. Does he have the judgment to be president? Considering that he's got his nose stuck up Bush's little butt, no - he doesn't have the judgment to be president - and neither did Bush.

But get your Swiftboaters working overtime and try to spin this thing all you can. That's how you elect worthless republicans!!
Reply:No surprise here. The dems are desperate to create an issue of heresay and quick to spew their propaganda through the liberal media. Wesley Clark is available to any democrat candidate willing to payroll him. As far as "Slick Willie" goes, you can always tell when he is lying...his lips are moving!

TO MICHAEL M: Like a typical liberal tool, you quoted yet another lunatic left-wing blog!
Reply:Clark didn't lie. he said McCain was shot down as a pilot and he condemned the US involvment in Vietnam and Cambodia while a prisoner of war!!!!

where's the insult??????? If you and McCain are insulted by the truth... it doesn't make it any less the truth!!!!!
Reply:Obama didn't "have him" do it. Obama was very quick to denounce it. He doesn't agree with the comments and it went against his platform that goes against dirty old washington politics. Contrary to what everyone thinks Obama can't control everything any of his supporters say.
Reply:McCain's so called war record needs to be investigated. There's no mention of several things. He destroyed five aircraft. He was at the bottom of his class.

People need to goggle his record and find out this stuff for themselves.
Reply:You have heard of the Ali shuffle. Well you are now seeing

the Obomba shuffle. Just like he did in the hillary thumping.

He has someone else make the comment, then he runs in

behind it, and takes the morale high ground. This man is

crystal clear obvious.
Reply:If being half black qualifys you as being the first black president, It looks like being a prisoner of war qualifys you as being the first combat hero president. In mu oponion wesley clark is an Idiot. Is he a hero. ?
Reply:I highly doubt he would have told Clark to say that because he surely would have known the backlash would come. And if I am wrong and that was the case thats a very terrible tactic, because it would not come out in Obama's favor.
Reply:I think you are right...Obama is smart, he can send his drones out to sling mud then if one gets in trouble he can just speak out against it.

It is a great move...I guess this is the NEW politics he has been talking about.
Reply:Wesley Clark is a scumbag. Nothing that traitor could do would surprise me - the guy was endorsed by anti-American activist Michael Moore back in 2004 for crying out loud! That should give you an idea of what kind of man Clark is.
Reply:Wesley got shot at under fire 4 times?

Spent half a year in a hospital. Only difference is. He wasnt' flying

a plane upside down.

If anyone calls McCain a upside down, side winder... it is Gen. Clark.
Reply:Some people believe anything. Try listening to what Clark said. He in no way insulted McCain or his military record. It's all just Republican swift boating and sliming as they have no real facts to stand on.
Reply:No I'm not suprised Obama claims he had noting to do with it but that what he says everytime one of his people says someting stupid I think he is in on most of it so he can come out aginst it to help him in the polls
Reply:He didn't insult his war record. He said military service does not automatically qualify a person to be president and he's right.
Reply:of course was predictable..he set that up so now he can say he won't challenge McCain's patriotism if he doesn't challenge mine....even tho obamas patriotism is a questionable thing
Reply:When you supply me with proof that Obama "had" Wesley Clark insult McCain's war record, then I'll answer this question. Gen. Clark was saying this same thing when he was a Hillary supporter. Why wait until now to question it?
Reply:Question his war "record"?? What comment did you see/hear? What I read was that Clark asserted that getting shot down does not make one qualified to be president. How is that challenging McCain's record?
Reply:on no what happened did they tell everyone how he got shot down and captured opps i forgot everyone knew that already who cares mccains not gonna win anyway
Reply:we all heard him do it, proof that obama didn't have him, or you want us to believe clark just showed up and expressed his feelings on mccain on his own hook
Reply:Obama didn't have Clark say that. Clark said it because it's true.. being a POW has nothing to do with being a president.
Reply:He didn't
Reply:That sounds like a non sequitor. You know what that means? Look it up sometime.
Reply:I'm more surprised people think McCain has a war record.
Reply:I'm not sure Obama had anything to do with Clark saying what he said. Clark is just a pompous idiot and doesn't think before he speaks. So are his defenders.


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