Thursday, May 20, 2010

Clinton's health care plan for Americans only.?

Does she even realize that we can see past her bullshit on this issue? How exactly does she plan on denying a service(in the form of universal health care) to even an "illegal" immigrant? It can't be done without some type of socialistic National ID card(which would in fact be unconstitutional). that and they can't deny ANYBODY a service of that which is given to anyone else that supplies a common numerical identifier(in accordance with the privacy act of 1974). Notice in her second paragraph that she used the words "legally" and law almost in the same breath? this woman is a real card. And she hopes to be president of "The United States of America"? Not a chance in hell. especially after her full support of any type of amnesty initiative that has come through the senate these past several months. I'd say she just sealed her fate of not becoming the next president. That is if ppl are really beginning to pay attention.

Clinton's health care plan for Americans only.?
The illegals in our society now are already straining the private health care systems, particularly in border states, to the point that hospital systems run in the red from the overload. I am a cop in a large city in Texas, as well as a paramedic, and see the crowds in the ERs in my city composed of a significant percentage of illegals who use the ER as their sole means of health care. They come in for everything from a colds to a GSW, have no ID and no means or intent to pay for the services they receive, and the facilities are bound by law to assess and at least basic intervention. This of course carries a cost, delays treatment for others, and ties up expensive resources. Health care under Clinton will only exacerbate this already out of control problem, only then the Federal government will be running things, and the costs will be directly passed on to the citizens who pay taxes in the form of even higher tax rates. The same people who cause the problem don't pay taxes, so they will still get their care for free, and we'll have to pay for it even more directly.

I really like the intelligent way ferret answered the question above. No real thought or attempt at an answer to the actual question, but a cheap shot at the President. Absolutely typical of the Bush bashers. At least pretend to know something about the issue in a response. Insults are the recourse of a weak mind. ...and yeah, I see it from the other side of the issue too.
Reply:"Anyone or anything (even a monkey) is better than Bush."

Wow, that answer is full of facts and thought. So, Hitler or Pol Pot, or even Tojo would be better than President Bush, eh?

I guess Hitler wouldn't be so bad. He would get rid of the communists and lefties in the country. That would be a pretty good start.

"Let's see now. In your universe, you would want to deny health care to a child who is here because his parents brought him here illegally?"

If it means money is taken from my paycheck in the form of taxes to pay for this 'health care' then, yes.

"How is that his fault, and why should he be punished for it? "

It's not, but neither should I or any other tax payer in the form of higher taxes to pay for the the heath care of someone who is here illegally.

"Upon whom will the blame fall if a sick child is denied care and dies of it?"

It's parents. It is their fault it is here illegally.

"Or if his illness spreads to many other "legal" children because he could not get treatment for it? "

Once again responsibility falls to the parents.
Reply:You know what? Even if it is exclusively for Americans (explicitly denying illegal aliens) it will only serve to destroy our country.

Please, please listen to the experts...

David Walker, Head of the General Accounting Office of the United States says, "we suffer from fiscal cancer, growing within us... if left untreated it will destroy us".

The cancer he refers to are the massive number of entitlement programs (so called rights to money that doesn't belong to you) that we can no longer afford.

All this is now exacerbated by the boomers; and will, for the next 20 years, suck the social security system (already dry, in debt and broken) to the breaking point of ALL OTHER entitlement programs AND defence.

Please, I beg of you all... kindly watch the video link below and learn the truth about fiscal status of the US. Learn who and who is not telling you the truth during this presidential campaign.

Dr. Ron Paul has been trying to tell the, albeit uncomfortable, truth about the state of our Union and the time is now to put our government in it's lawfully limited position.

Return the power to 'We The People'. Help solve the problems through truth. N0t a bunch of lies and wishful thinking. Nothing is free in the universe. If you didn't earn it, someone else did and they cannot support a 4 or 6 child household when they've only planned for 2.
Reply:Respectfully, the Universal Heathcare Plan was vetoed and with good reason. What we need is affordable medical coverage, dental and life insurance. Eh? But if you want Hitler to run the country and have you hostage to what government wants you to do- go ahead, elect Hillary Rodham-Clinton. Oh, and you think we are having problems with that, think about the 11 year olds that are getting birth-control pills in elementary school for starters, this is what you get with Hillary Rodham-Clinton too.

Think of it as WELFARE and we will all go to Kaiser Hospitals that will open up in every neighborhood like McDonalds) slowly other Hospitals will disappear (its a deal - Kaiser contributes to her campaign), and you would probably get the full picture. She doesn't want to be president - she wants to rule the country.

Now I am done.
Reply:Anyone or anything (even a monkey) is better than Bush.

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