Monday, May 24, 2010

How stupid do the Clintons think we are? My opinion is they think we are wayyy stupid?

NBC/NJ's Mike Memoli asked Bill Clinton today what he meant when he told WHYY radio that Barack Obama's campaign had played the race card against him. Here is their exchange ...

ME: "Sir, what did you mean yesterday when you said that the Obama campaign was playing the race card on you."

CLINTON: "When did I say that, and to whom did I say that?"

ME: "On WHYY radio yesterday."

CLINTON: "No, no, no. That's not what I said. You always follow me around and play these little games, and I'm not going to play your games today. This is a day about election day. Go back and see what the question was, and what my answer was. You have mischaracterized it to get another cheap story to divert the American people from the real urgent issues before us, and I choose not to play your game today. Have a nice day."

ME: "Respectfully sir, though, you did say ..."

CLINTON: "Have a nice day." [continues shaking hands with supporters]. I said what I said, you can go look at the interview

How stupid do the Clintons think we are? My opinion is they think we are wayyy stupid?
I saw it %26amp; heard it.

I don't get it. I DO NOT get it...

It's embarrassing to anyone with half a brain. And, yes, that includes her supporters.
Reply:I first realized how stupid clinton thinks we are when he said he smoked marijuana, but he didn't inhale.

I realized, that man is a bold faced liar, and he thinks I'm really, really stupid. I'm BJ Clinton's age within a few months. I've smoked marijuana with hundreds of people. No one ever smoked and didn't inhale.
Reply:Bill Clinton has really shown his true colors. I would love to hear him and Hillary exchange thoughts behind closed doors. I really hope we don't have to deal with those two in the white house again. I loved bill. I was calling him the closest thing we'll ever have to a black president. But he had me fooled. Vote obama and let's change America for once.
Reply:Sounds just like Obama, "Oh I guess I may have offended people with my bitter comments, I should have worded it differently."

Obama has played the race card, but if you ask him he'll say "that might be what I said, but what I really meant was......."
Reply:Clinton lying is a known quantity, Obama tells a lot of lies that I have not the slightest idea where he is going with the lie...and because of that, I do not trust him...every time a Clinton lies I see why they lied...and don't think all politicians don't lie because they do...
Reply:Pretty sad when The First Black President, someone who has done more for minorities than anyone in America, is hounded like that. Obamacists make me sick.
Reply:They have a lot of Misses in their campaign.




Don't worry, the people will add on more mis- to their list.

missed the nomination.
Reply:Bill is not doing Hillary any favors with this outbursts...

Obama 2008
Reply:Maybe you can give us a quote of what he did say?
Reply:She probably does think your wayyy stupid, and she's probably right.
Reply:They don't call him Slick Willy for nothing. Where is the video?
Reply:The truth be told Obamas staff did release a meno to play the "Race Card" and they got caught when the meno surfaced and Obama blamed his staff and was suppost to deal with the matter .

Obama will do anything to win this election and his reasons are very unclear .

He is a Racist

He hates America

His wife hates America

His Pastor hates America

His friends hate America

With all this hatred for America why does he want to be President of America

Stranger then weird

Just plain Unamerican

Is my feeling on it.

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