Monday, May 24, 2010

Woud a McCain/Rice ticket be hard to beat?

It would make it very easy for the Repubs to attack Obama or Clinton without either playing the race or gender card.

And looking at Hillary she can't seem to win any of the smaller states and Obama can't seem to win the big ones like New York, California, New Jersey and most likely Michigan and Florida.

Woud a McCain/Rice ticket be hard to beat?
It is an interesting thought, but a democrat will win New York and California no matter who it is. Those two states are so far gone (liberally speaking) that it doesn't matter who the Republicans run on the ticket, they'll be lucky to get 40%. New Jersey and Michigan along with Massachusetts and Vermont are the same story. At this point, it doesn't matter who the democrat candidate is, they will win those states easy.
Reply:Wow, if ever we needed evidence that McCain is a continuation of Bush's failed and disastrous policies, putting Rice on the republic ticket would be it. Landslide for the Democratic ticket.
Reply:IMO it would be political suicide for the Republicans to do that. They need to distance themselves as far away from the Bush Administration as they can in order to even come remotely close to winning the White House again. Hopefully they're not smart enough to realize that.
Reply:Condi Rice is very, very sharp.
Reply:It wouldnt help them at all...Bush approval rating is would it help them to make the ticket look like a second Bush administartion?
Reply:Nope, and woud is spelled would
Reply:that would be very interesting to say the least..
Reply:It would never happen Condi goes when Bush goes... besides thats his lady on the side
Reply:That would be similar to electing a Bush/Rice ticket.

If you like the way our country is now, and don't want anything to change, then that would be a great ticket for you.
Reply:I do like Ms. Rice but she has acted really strange since she has worked for George. I am not sure what her character really is. McCain has no real agenda for solving Iraq other than increase the amount of soldiers for as long as it takes.

choosing ice skates

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