Thursday, May 20, 2010

Could the USA be ruled by 2 families for 3 decades?

If Hillary wins the 2008 election and serves 2 terms. By the time she leaves office we will have been.

Are we imitating some Central Asian diesel-fume republic?

And just think! If Jenna gets her act together, and Chelsea plays her cards right, we could keep this Bush-Clinton-Bush train running until 2060 - when we finally elect Babara Bush president! (I've always wanted to vote for a reanimated zombie wearing a pearl necklace)

Could the USA be ruled by 2 families for 3 decades?
If you don't like the trend, there's only one way to break it.

And it involves not voting for Hillary in '08
Reply:if the majority of the people feel that way on election day...let it be
Reply:Yes, I wish that George W. Bush remains our president for the next 10 years or so.
Reply:I think no matter what that we NEED NEW BLOOD IN THE OFFICE.....

safety boots

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