Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is Dick Morris right about Hillary Clinton getting Ferraro out to say Obama is where he's at because of race?


Is Dick Morris right about Hillary Clinton getting Ferraro out to say Obama is where he's at because of race?
Taking everything with a bit of salt, bear in mind that Dick Morris is no longer a friend of the Clintons.

Remember, he was Clinton's campaign manager in 1990.

They had a horrific falling out between then and 1998.

At some point, Clinton had pinned Morris to the floor and was preparing to do his thing. Hillary stepped in to prevent it.

That is his opinion. It may never be proven.

Also, I've never had any great like for Ferraro. Her husband was no goody two shoes.

As for Obama, I cannot go along with his agenda.

A tax increase just passed last week, on the RICH.

Obama voted for it. IDK about Hillary, but I'd bet on it.

The increase starts for all the TYCOONS who have a yearly income of $31,850.00.

Stay tuned.
Reply:I trust Dick Morris more than I will ever trust Hillary Clinton.
Reply:It was a ploy designed to "let the dogs out". It failed.
Reply:She told the damn truth. What is wrong with that?
Reply:ANYTHING to win
Reply:either way, it is true. if he was white or hispanic he would have never gone past first base.
Reply:It's the plain truth. That is why Hillary didn't reject it as though she meant it; she actually looked like she was smiling.
Reply:I doubt it. But Ferraro comment is not misleading either.

How Barack Obama played the race card and blamed Hillary Clinton.(below)

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