Thursday, May 20, 2010

No black president, there will always be an age, and race qualification?

President of the united states is still seen culturally the last and final point to define the country to be for white men. At this point in time the most qualified candidate for president is obama. The old experience card is used in every election, even in defense of W. his knowledge of the rest of the world had me expecting that most of his focus would be domestic until 9-11. B. Clinton along with jfk both heard it alot due to youth. Clinton and Bush both countered the same way with a vice and cabinet full of extensive experience. Bush will leave the white house without even the most basic understanding of foreign policy and has mostly been seen as a true believer puppet for people like cheney. Like Jesse, alan keyes, sharpton and powell-- the country will pat itself on the back for entertaining the idea but ultimately liberals will trump up the experience issue as a cop-out to not give him the nomination. A black, arab literate, populist leader but it's still america.

No black president, there will always be an age, and race qualification?
I'd vote for a black president, if he was qualified. I don't think blacks should just vote for someone because they are black just as I don't think a woman should just vote for a woman who is running just because she's a woman. Need I say more about whom I would or would not vote for this coming election? So far, no one.
Reply:I'd vote for a black Pres, if he is qualified.

Obama how ever is not, and I am quite frankly sick of another 4 years of having an unqualified president.

"At this point in time the most qualified candidate for president is obama" that’s your opinion, just because he is glorified in the biased press, doesn't qualify him. He not good for the benefit of the country with his obscure views
Reply:I have to disagree with your statement for many reasons. I am a republican who actually likes Obama. I voted for him to get into the Illinois senate. My sister actually works for his campaign. However, your statement that he is the most qualified falls way short. He has only served in politics for two years. What makes you think he is qualified to run a country? Im not saying that he won't be someday but right now he needs more experience. Your statement about defining the country for white men...aren't these the same people who have passed welfare and public housing laws, which not to be racist at all, that a majority are African Americans? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton...come on now...they are both a couple of trouble makers who cause trouble in the name of equality when they only benefit themselves. They trample the equality movement of great men such as Martin Luther King Jr. Alan Keyes...I like him but not qualified. Colin Powell was the most qualified person but he personally did not want to deal with the Presidency...and you know what...I don't blame him. I agree with the answer already that you shouldn't vote for someone because they are of your heritage or gender, you should vote for a person who stands for your beliefs and is qualified. Past Presidents have been white because of the lack of black politicians. Yes this is directly linked to the equality issues of the past, but it is phasing out. Black people are getting into politics and it is only a matter of time before one is elected President. So stop this stone aged notion that the US is against blacks and start doing something to get more young people interested in politics. Even better get them to vote. People make their own destinies.

Here is an idea. Have Condoleeza Rice run. I'd vote for her and then we would have a woman and an African American all in one package!
Reply:theres NO SUCH THING about a race qualification!!!!!!!!! hell you have barack obama running ( who I would vote for ANY DAY over Hillary) and he's LOSING black support! why?? because he was adopted by a rich family and grew up in Hawaii so he's seen as "out of touch". What the dems need is an Obama Richardson ticket!!!
Reply:Vote because they can do the job not because they fit your idea of a discriminated minority.
Reply:obama is not black anyway.
Reply:thats pretty deep and has truth to it but im still pushing for obama
Reply:Probably when we are no longer supporting a "black man" or a "white man" but rather, a man.

-Or woman.


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