Thursday, May 20, 2010

The statement that Clemens did release, he said something like, I have never taken steroids or any performance

enhancing drugs in my life. I am starting to suspect that he is playing the President Bill Clinton card here, when Clinton said he never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky, because Clinton was trying to spin the situation and tell the public that he didn't believe that oral sex was sexual relations, that's why he said I never had sexual relations with that woman. Anyway, I think that Clemens and his people are trying to spin this in the way that Clemens is saying, "I never took steroids", but what he doesn't say is that perhaps someone gave them to him, via injections. So, he in essence is creating a clever little loophole in case he has to go under oath, because if he said that he never took steroids, doesn't negate the fact that someone could've given them to him. Do you see where I'm going with this? Also the silence from Clemens just makes him look more guilty. You agree?

The statement that Clemens did release, he said something like, I have never taken steroids or any performance
He won't tell the truth because it will jeopardize his Hall chances. But lying will also jeopardize it. Basically he's in a no-win position. He's in Steroid Accusation Purgatory. He won't get in the Hall for a LONG time. He'll be in his 60's.
Reply:Clemens would rather hide behind his attorney and agent and let them do his talking.

It's a shame...because I believe if he came clean people would forgive him.
Reply:Yea, but if Clemens did take steroids its like proving Barry Bonds also took steroids, ITS GONNA KILL BASEBALL! A disgrace...
Reply:ok here is my opinion. its not really my opinion but its what somebody said to me about the clemens thing. he said the trainer who allegedly supplied drugs to clemens and injected him with steroids is a friend and told ESPN or SI magazine a few years ago he never supplied clemens with hgh or steroids or any other kind of performance enhancement drugs. well flash forward a few years with the prospect of lying under oath and going to jail he changed his tune and said he did. now im thinking if a magazine asks you to rat out a friend you would say no and deny evrything. but with the prospect of going jail would you tell the truth and save your own *** or keep silent and go to jail for some guy who is making millions of dollars and secretly cheating?
Reply:if someone else gave it to him its still him taking it. Its not like the person who gave it to him went to his house while he was sleeping and injected him
Reply:Well... I think that Roger Clemens is lying, because everyone who REALLY used steroids, were on that list. One of the Yankees coaches told Mitchell about Clemens taking steroid or performance enhancing drugs.

I think that someone wouldn't lie to someone telling that person something that is bad to get that guy in trouble (if that makes sense.)

If I was taking steriods in baseball, and no one found out and then this guy told the jury, I think it would be real not just a BIG lie!

So what do you think about my little story about how I think that someone ( ROGER CLEMENS) took steroids!
Reply:I agree with you. He's guilty. Case closed.
Reply:i don think he's that smart caus he wouldn't try to be tricky caus its not in front of a supreme court and therefore he doesn't have to tell the truth, and so i think that he might play with words in a even greater sense when put under oath.
Reply:Clemens is and always has been a dirtbag. This proves it. The fact that he's also a liar is just icing on the cake.
Reply:If you take a look at his career you will see the little hints there that he did it. He needs to man up and admit that he was doing it and move on.
Reply:Clemens with not taking action against Schilling or making press conferences to defend himself even more makes a lot of people question him like Bonds. Baseball is already being disgraced because of the players who are or did take them that are in the report and not coming clean making them in the end if found guilty even worse role models for kids who followed them from the start. coming clean and telling the truth is much better for Baseball than hiding and saying the same words without taking action against those who question your character.

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