Monday, May 24, 2010

Are the Clintons still playing the race card?

This article:

Says that Bill is constantly using the race issue.

We know her campaign and herself constantly want to remind people about Rev Wright. They call super delegates up and say quote "it's about Rev Wright"

Is this race baiting?

Is the campaign really about Rev Wright? That seems sick and twisted to me.

If the Clinton campaign is "about rev wright" - who's issue is that? Does that mean that they dont have a platform at all?

Are the Clintons still playing the race card?
Reply:they just like to remind the country about the wierdos obama associates with. she has a the answers, its the people who are wrong.
Reply:you sure are, once again, an obama supporter bringing up race, lol what a laugh
Reply:Yes they are pushing the Race card almost as bad as the Obama camp!
Reply:you cant ignore someones mentor ya know? if hillary had a mentor that hated blacks you can bet your life it would be exposed over and over again.
Reply:Always and forvever .. the race card needs to GO AWAY ...
Reply:They were the first one to use the race card with bill in election and than hillary this year,

But everyone igonred the fact she didnt do anything wrong. Than act like obama the one who started it all.

News flash obama had no choice to be what color he is. he never decide to be born.
Reply:Are the Obama supporters still playing it?

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