Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bill Clinton as our "First Black President"?

Wow, isn't that an insult to the black community?? If I were Obama, I'd be offended that CNN keeps reminding us of this. I wish Hillary would stop using the race card and crying "poor me!"

Bill Clinton as our "First Black President"?
billy is a constant reminder of the fact that hell-ery should not be pres. I am voting reb, because the demos are really scary, right now!!! and yes the hill/billy dream team is disgusting. they will stop at nothing to be back in the white house, doing their evil politics, and selling out country to another of billy's foreign interests!!!! so they can get kickbacks, to them its all about the MONEY!!!! isn't it?????
Reply:I listened to a commentator on the radio today who pointed out that Hillary Clinton takes carefully nuanced statements that Obama makes and then they simplify them into another meaning, and criticise it, and continue their usual tactic of demonizing the other side whoever that other side is, D or R.

I keep hearing about how Christian SC is, and so it is my belief that that will be an important factor in Obama winning in that state tonight; at least Obama is much more Christian than Clinton in my estimation, considering what I know of their mannerisms and world view. I suppose Obama will loose a lot of votes to Edwards in SC though.
Reply:African American author Toni Morrison referred to Bill Clinton as America's first black President back in October 1998. She believed that the Establishment held Clinton to a higher standard of behavior because he wasn't "one of them." Instead he was from "a single-parent household, born poor, a working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas." These are all things that Ms. Morrison believes that the Washington Establishment associated with blacks. Also, he was fighting for issues like choice, healthcare, etc., that the Washington Establishment disdained in the late 1990s. Therefore, viewed in context, Ms. Morrison's comment was meant as a compliment and not as an insult to those who share her own heritgage.
Reply:No black president yet.

That Peace prize winner was wrong to say that no black man could be more blacker than bill in this lifetime.

Shame on him for saying that.

I do like Bill but he needs to calm down and sit in the back seat for a week or two. He's beginning to piss me off!

Obama appeals to all people. Its upon you to eliminate racial lines and listen to the words for once.....
Reply:I Know for a fact that Black people use to say that all the time... HOW can they forget so soon...... anyway i like HILLARY too use emotion... it shows shes a real person! and not a fake like OBAMA with his (smile) and famous word (change) and its him useing the race card not the Clintons duh..............HILLARY CLINTON 08
Reply:I always thought Toni Morrison's statement of this opinion was idiotic. The term "Black" applies only (approximately in any case) to skin color. People who try to say that people are or are not Black based on their behavior and opinions are butchering the English language. It is the same as saying that the fish you had for dinner tasted green. It is senseless.
Reply:Race card? OPRAH is campaigning ACTIVELY for Obama, and he is not snow white, darling. I have not heard anyone recently make this comment about Bill Clinton. It's wrong. But Hillary has more fish to fry than be so petty. And she's been pretty strong about this (oh, so it was so terrible of her to shed a few tears- she's a human being. How do you know that some of the male candidates on either side aren't having a silent cry?) Stop generalizing.
Reply:Caucasian Americans

are always trying and doing!

And Putting people into categories.

Toni Morrison the Author only said this as a creative license

in order of categorizing Bill Clinton.

She was awed by his attempt of willingness, coziness to

cuddle up to blacks.

I am not Insulted at this moment of Bill Wanting to be the first Black president. But can he handle being pulled over DWB!

(driving while black)

And not being able to wave down a Cab?
Reply:"HER THIGHNESS" has no stable core values..her God is political expediency
Reply:I think that is an insult to black people.
Reply:What do you expect? It's politics.
Reply:The term First Black President refers to the fact that old Bill is Blackhearted.

Do you think there is a tiny possiblity that CNN has its own agenda? Would it be the first time?
Reply:No we never had a Black President, but one day I wish we have one like this. http://www.wimp.com/realbush/
Reply:The Democrats seem to have a rich field....be happy.
Reply:I agree, I believe these sort of statements are insulting to black people. What is all this talk about black vs. white. What we need is a president who will serve all Americans not just one race!
Reply:I'm not sure. I'd have to see him dance first.

Reply:Come on. Hilary is the first Black candidate. With her help Bill will be back in.

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