Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hillary Clinton crying???

Who wants to vote for someone who gets all weepy when they don't get what they want???? So you are losing....boohoo! Could you imaging a president getting all emotional if a bill they want to pass doesn't....or maybe talking to a foreign dignitary....blech!

Just because you are a woman doesn't mean you get to pull the cry card. It makes you look weak.

Hooray for Hillary losing!!!

Hillary Clinton crying???
cheers! seeing her little episode today made me so mad! i'm all for a woman president, but i've been saying this since i found out she was running: she's going to ruin it for women in the future. from her catty attempts at demeaning her opponents (just because she's losing!) to her fake crying just to get a few votes -- society's gonna assume all women candidates are like that and will give little support in the future. the truth is, she's a horrible candidate and she's starting to realize that no one's listening to her, so she's gonna pull out all the stops in a panicked last minute attempt for support.

good riddance!!
Reply:plus, if she goes through metapause during her term we'll have ww3...
Reply:Someone hand her a tissue. She wasn't going to win anyway.
Reply:Um, I hate to break your bubble, but President Bush has cried on many, many occasions over those lost in his fruitless war. I am not a huge fan of Hilary, but I have to say something about this.

So basically what I'm seeing here is that Hilary is getting slammed for being teary-eyed and emotional over something she is passionate about, just because she is a woman. If she were a man, would there be news coverage over him crying? No one seemed to care when Bush shed tears.

It may make you look weak to cry, but she's human, just as Bush is, as much as I can't stand him. But as far as Bush is concerned, he acts like a little child when Congress won't pass one of his bills or if he doesn't like what Congress sends him.

Both sides are inept, if you ask me and this country is in profound trouble.
Reply:Better question is who would vote for someone who wants IRaq war to continue and to bomb Iran? New World Order anyone?

RON PAUL 08!!!
Reply:men and women are made different. if you vote for a woman, you get a woman. think of all the men who get aggravated with the women in their lives for crying and being emotional. can you imagine what would happen if she actually got elected. I dont vote democrat, but if i did, you can bet obama would get my vote..........
Reply:she's crying because she's losing. She seems to want to have her way. = / pretty pathetic if you ask me!
Reply:I need to celebrate her loss and her public humiliation... how should I do it?
Reply:"The cry card" LMAO! That's a new one - and a great one!
Reply:she needs to give up
Reply:Give up! Never! Her ego is too big for that.

If she would lose out, she'd go back to her part time job as a Senator and write her book. The title would be " How America Misunderstood Me."
Reply:I totally agree with you. Maybe she was PMS! What this country doesn't need is a woman wearing her emotions on her sleeve!!!!!!!! Wah-wah-wah!
Reply:its not a big deal
Reply:She will stop at nothing, remember she said she was in this to win. That means what ever it takes, I hope this one back fires on her.
Reply:I am with the the person that call ed you idiot was is crazy is you people voting against her because she is the smartest person running , and The republicans know that and they don't want her to win because of that they know she will beat them, you guys need to wake up awe do not need another republican in office , look WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO US.

but i have to admit aim not sure if id rather hear her cry or listen to her cackle of a laugh.
Reply:agree 100%
Reply:i love this. you get 30+ responses to some stupid drama question that really has nothing to do with american politics or the future of our nation, and i post a real question about all the top tier candidates being members of the CFR and are driving our currency into the ground, paving the way for the NAU and there is like 4 answers.

Orwell was right.

Americans are so brainwashed by the tube it's beyond depressing.
Reply:she is weird
Reply:You got that right . . .
Reply:May be she can crying on Putin leg for oil discount.
Reply:I think she did it for purely political reasons. At this point almost every action these guys make is made at the behest of their advisors. I don't believe that she was being genuine for even a second.
Reply:ya she did huh
Reply:This is written by a currently undecided independent....

Are you you believe every sound bite and headline without checking it out....on Yahoo, you can actually see the video that you are referring to....what you are writing is NOT what is on the video....stop being so lazy and do the research on what constituents from the congress people/former governors states say about them, actually watch the debates and speeches, blindly following the headlines you are giving away your freedom to make your own decisions to people who would just love to make up your mind for you AND unfortunately, by repeating this uniformed garbage, you are influencing like minded laziness in others. Please - isn't the past 8/yrs proof enough of how important these elections are? Vote for who ever - but be an informed voter %26amp; NOT A GOSSIP MONGER!
Reply:Yep, if this doesn't sew it up for her then I don't know what will.

I think she was crying because she knows she will be in the unemployment line in January of '09.
Reply:I could see her being upset for something she feels so focused and passionate about but..

i still dont like her and i dont want her to win.
Reply:I know right. I am all for a woman being predisent just not hill hill clinton. She is trying to manipulate people so they feel bad for her and it is backfiring....i am so glad she is losing....yay Obama
Reply:Your question is who wants to vote for someone who gets all weepy . . .?

Nobody, I guess.

I agree with your "cry card" observation. I was thinking the same thing.

I disagree with your assessment of the caliber of her strength. She is one strong woman. I would be very surprised if she wins the election, I don't expect she will. But I have respect for my betters.
Reply:it just shows that she could not handle the job - she can't even handle the application process.
Reply:She's a woman. Give her a break.

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