Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do libs blame cons for stealing an election they could not steal?

The recount was done by libs, several times. The race card was played; throwing out the military votes and Clinton moving polls off military bases is ignored, yet libs repeat their lies over and over to the point where they believe something another liberal said. I live in Florida and withessed the dems coming close to stealing the election and when they were defeated, they say cons did what they tried to do. How can libs repeat that lie and believe the lie?

Why do libs blame cons for stealing an election they could not steal?
Anyone who tells lies to themselves is disillusioned by what reality is, therefore their lies begin to become realities/truths.
Reply:For the same reason the republicans repeat the lie and believe the lie. There was enough improprieties on both sides to go around
Reply:Becuse Bush and his stupid brother (Jeb or Jed is his name I think) rigged the election in FL.

And now he has us in this stupid war that is killing thousands of people.

And lets get something straight.

He thinks abortion and stem cell research is wrong, but yet he has no problem killing people in Iraq? That just seems wrong to me. Not to mention he has no conserns for the enviroment. Why the heck are they called convervatives if they don't try to conserve any of our natrual resources?

I don't see how anyone could support that idiot.

Try to list one thing he's done right. Now list all things he's done wrong. Yeah, there's quite a few more things on that second list, huh?
Reply:I bet you are a republican and voted for GWB.
Reply:What the truth? We can't handle the truth! They are like small children, they will kick and scream and point their finger and say "but look what he did" anything to get their way.
Reply:Yeah, it's hilarious. And that's what started all the Bush hating. They've hated him ever since.
Reply:Because they were under the influence of the evil Decepticons!
Reply:They can't handle TRUTH~
Reply:Go Lama.
Reply:Why do you use such broad generalizations? Shows your ignorance and lack of interest in honest dialogue.

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