Thursday, May 20, 2010

April 4 is National Tell-A-Lie Day - Is this like Christmas to Bill Clinton?

April 30 is . . . . National Honesty Day

My President GWB celebrates this day and I plan to send him a card!

April 4 is National Tell-A-Lie Day - Is this like Christmas to Bill Clinton?
I think everyday is National Tell-A-Lie Day for Bill AND Hillary. LOL! You're right about Bush no matter what the liberal media says. He is one honest guy!

***Add to the first must be a liberal, politics of personal destruction. Can't think of something intelligent to say so you attack her personally? Wow what a gentleman. Isn't it nighty-night time for you? Get your bottle and have mommy change your diapers and go to bed. Don't forget your bedtime prayers. (You might want to ask for forgiveness for being such a hateful bore!
Reply:They must have named April 24th for Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.
Reply:why is it you conservatives and republicans are so concerned with a Clinton lie? at least he was held accountable. He faced an impeachment. Why is George Bush never held accountable for his countless lies???? Please tell us. why is it o.k. for Bush to lie???
Reply:maybe he'll get confused and tell the truth
Reply:Sounds more like Christmas to George W. Bush to me.
Reply:HELL yeah it is!! We should send that adulteress maggot some Philly Blunts up side his head.
Reply:wow...a day dedicated to something that happens every day...

might as well go ahead and have a "drive your car to work day" day too..
Reply:April 29 is the anniversary of the L.A. riots.
Reply:That was quite a reach. I look forward to April 24, National Pigs in a Blanket Day.

Lightning strikes, turning ashes to embers

Starting the fire, ignites the fuel I bring

Burning ambition, will give me protection

Reach for the ring, and you will be the King

The King

This iron will is my constant companion

Battle is over, my strength inside is strong

Whispered memories of a failure abandoned

All that I am screams, that this is all wrong

Lord, hear my plea, when will it be

Time for me to see You clearly?

Walk in a daze

And weak with pain

Carry me back to life again

A lifetime of cheap whine, can not improve your station

The tempest to the best, will prove the others fate

One man accuses, another defends me

A delicate balance, of hope and heartache

Lord, hear my plea, when will it be

Time for me to see You clearly?

Walk in a daze

And weak with pain

Carry me back to life again

What is the ally, that gives you the green light?

What is the secret, to take you to the peak?

Where is your shaman, to give you the magic?

And when will you realize, He's all you seek?

Lord, hear my plea, when will it be

Time for me to see You clearly?

Walk in a daze

And weak with pain

Carry me back to life again life again life again

he will never read your card
Reply:Every politician, regardless of party (yes, even your President), must LOVE April 4th and keep that "Christmas-like" attitude throughout the year. Few, if any would understand the premise of April 30th.

It is nice to know that we can expect the truth 1/365th of the time...

It sounds like you are celebrating April 13 (Blame Somebody Else Day) a little early.
Reply:check what april 6th is ......and its obvious that the president celebrates april 13 everyday
Reply:I thought april 1st was a day to tell lies. you mean... in US you have 2 days that you can lie with no guilty bc you are just "kidding"?
Reply:At least Clinton's lie didn't get anyone killed!

Dubya's have cause thousands of deaths!
Reply:God no! That would be the one day when Bill would not be able to stand out from the crowd!
Reply:Sounds like another day for a liberal to get another day off work!
Reply:Clinton was in office during the greatest period of American economic expansion in the past 35 years. He didn't lead us into a war based on lies and a campaign of disinformation. He was also a Rhodes scholar who could pronounce 3 syllable words.

What's Bush done lately?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Reply:Your president should celebrate the day. He is the champion liar of all least for the last 200 years or so.

Enjoy drinking kool-aid with him on his special day.
Reply:Still carrying a secret torch for Clinton huh? %26lt;grin%26gt;
Reply:Are you on that Lunesta and doing crazy things in your sleep
Reply:i dunno what makes me gag more your statement or your picture!!!! april ! IS gwb'S REAL HOLIDAY!!!!
Reply:Where exactly on the calendar does Judgemental Fat B*tch Day lie... I want to buy you a big steaming box of sh*t as tradition dictates.

Your President GWB should celebrate Retarded Failure Day.

Go eat something now, Tubby!
Reply:Yeah it's Dubya's day as far as I'm concerned as well as any other politician that ever lived. You people really need to get a life! Get you head out of your arses and go get stoned or something. Somehow I find that more productive than the constant liberal slander ESPECIALLY against Bill Clinton.... that was so like 6 years ago. Get over him. His wife is running for pres now, you know that right? She is fair game now. Leave Bill out of this!!!
Reply:Of course he'd celebrate a day in which he believes he's been honest with Congress and the American people. Yet he and Laura lie not only to the American public, but the children as well by telling them Santa Claus does exist. Bush also thinks he's Jesus Christ.

Do you even understand the difference between lying about ones sex life? And a Lie, rather many Lies told to Congress and the American public?


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