Monday, May 24, 2010

How far back do we go.....?

This really cracks me up. Bush gives Libby a get out of jail free card oh but Clinton pardoned this one and Bush Senior pardoned that one and Carter pardoned this one and Reagan pardoned that one and Nixon pardoned Agnew and Johnson

pardoned this one and Kennedy didn't have time because he was killed and Eisnhower.........

At what point do we stop justifying criminal activity because the people that came before did similar things. Sounds like a good way to run a government. I guess this really means that Bush can do anything he wants because after all Clinton........

How far back do we go.....?
As far as it takes to get people to understand what hypocrisy is.
Reply:Considering the basis for our legal system is English common law, and common law is built entirely on precedent... I would actually say it's a pretty important argument. Our point is, you can't just wake up one day and decide that something that has been legal for 40 something other guys is illegal because you don't like this 1 guy. That's pretty selective.
Reply:You really should stop masturbating so much. It seems to have driven you to Bush Derangement Syndrome. Get yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend.
Reply:Oh c'mon! Scooter was a scape goat...... He was not the one to leak Plame's identity, but yet he is the only one sentenced?

He said he did not recall a certain conversation, and that bought him 2 years of prison time? You've got to be kidding me! The Dems need to stop crying and actually get some work done in congress.......... I have no time for folks that cry and nag, yet have nothing constructive to offer.
Reply:Libby really was the scapegoat fallguy for the administration. Did anyone in their right mind anticipate that Bush would leave him hanging out ? Can you imagine the resentment Libby would feel? The president could imagine it, and he could also imagine what stories Libby could tell about this dysfunctional administration. Bush just bought his silence. And no one should be surprised.
Reply:comas and periods do work, and they work well. pardons are just apart of politics. your not gonna let the person who stuck their neck out for you crash and burn. that's bad business.
Reply:Bush did not do a full pardon, he commuted a sentence. Libby is still being punished. He did not out anyone and the guy who leaked the nothing is going free.

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