Monday, May 24, 2010

Should I be troubled by the Apocalyptic Nature of the dream I had last night?

It's early 2009. I am dressed in an orange jump suit standing in a long line at some re education camp. I am staring at my government issued healthcare card that tells me they can get me in for a pap smear in 14 months. 'It Takes a Village' is being read over the PA system and giant pictures of Fräulein Clinton block out what remains of the day.....fade to black.......

Should I be troubled by the Apocalyptic Nature of the dream I had last night?
hahaha... no kidding

soylent green... is.... PEOPLE!!!
Reply:Yes. I think you should be very worried. I'd be worried too if I were having hate-radio induced paranoid delusions that manifested in my dreams... You really should seek help.

Just get the Copy right before some Hollywood Lib does
Reply:Oh please.
Reply:Lol. Then the the Sun turns dark and the moon begins bleed as everyone follows the woman with the mark of the beast. God help us all.
Reply:Don't worry too much about 2009, just get yourself into somewhere relatively safe before 2012. The American 5th Reich is going down the plughole when we reach the end of the Mayan Calendar. Kalifornia Uber Alles? in their dreams! Mother Earth is kickin' back and she is gonna move forward no matter what!
Reply:Sure it wasn't an acid trip?
Reply:Yes, your recreational drug use has begun to seriously damage your brain.
Reply:All health care has gone down hill since Bush, I’m a college grad with a pretty good income, and I had to pay 75 extra dollars for my pap smear this past year not including the 25.00 deductible and this is the SAME healthcare I’ve always had.

HMO’s are just covering less; I use to think the best thing about having a job was the healthcare. Not so anymore.

Lots of people are not even bothering to get covered anymore, and every time they go in to the hospital for an emergency it can add up to thousands.

Who do you think already pays for this? Did you guess those of US who are covered?

Hospitals just end up charging those of us who will pay, 200.00 an aspirin.

So the way I see it universal healthcare would be GREAT, since I'm already paying for it anyway.

Also, as far as crowding, doctors are already over booking to squeeze every penny out of the dollar just like everyone else.

In Atlanta, I had to wait 2 months to see a gynecologist and then they wanted to push me off on a nurse because of over booking.

Fed Up.
Reply:haaaaa,ahhhaa,,,Banner lesson:"wir haben alle unsere Teile fur die Comrads",wie die P.A Ring in Brei schmiert I'm nachsten English Banners read "we all do our parts for the comrades"as the P.A rings in pap smears in the next year...haaaa,,,lol,,,yes you should be troubled...chow freepress
Reply:Yes, you should be worried. We're heading down that road as we speak.

The sheeple fail to see it, though.
Reply:I had a dream about PNAC Penelope last night...

Love you long time xoxoxo
Reply:Free clothes and health care?! Sounds great! I'm still waiting on my health insurance company to send me my card. I've asked them 6 times now and they keep telling me they sent it.

You had that dream too?

Well, mine was mostly of you in the orange jumpsuit... but it was tight and form-fitting with a...

oh, wait, I'm deviating from the topic...

you're never going to sell the Left on the idea that Hillary is not a great American... even though she has so many very questionable ties to Communist China that I'm beginning to wonder why she isn't under serious investigation!

I mean, there was Al Gore, during the administration, being busted for illegal campaign fundraising at a Buddhist Temple.

Then there were questionable Bill Clinton funds from Chinese sources.

Then there were questionable disclosures by Bill Clinton to the Chinese military.

Then there are the Hillary Clinton connections in fundraising to Hsu and other Chinese groups...

Manchurian Candidate?

Don't worry, Penelope... when you're being kept in chains at the re-education center, we'll mount a rescue!
Reply:I AGREE with you!!!

We should be EXPECTED to pay BILLIONS in taxes for the military each year,

BUT for a service that might actually BENEFIT the avg tax pAYER


I"M HAPPY to PAY taxes and get NOTHING back!!

It's the DUTY of evry PATRIOTIC american to pay taxes and EXPECT absolutely NOTHING for those TAXES!!

Reply:You might be on to something there.

Strange, but could become reality in the next few years.
Reply:Maybe, it could be a sign of times to come.

Nintendo Wii

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