Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama supporters . . . you can't deny it now . . . it's been substantiated by the Associate Press?

As evidence the Obama campaign had pushed the story, Clinton advisers pointed to a memo written by an Obama staffer compiling examples of comments by Clinton and her surrogates that could be construed as racially insensitive. The memo later surfaced on some political Web sites.

The memo was written by the South Carolina press secretary . . . How can you deny it . . . Obama has been caught playing the race card . . . My question is how do you deny it or justify it now?

Obama supporters . . . you can't deny it now . . . it's been substantiated by the Associate Press?
Reply:Don't blame Obama. Blame Clinton for digging her own grave.

That line about LBJ? LOL.

What about all of the dirty deeds done by the Clinton camp? Do they get a free pass?
Reply:You said it yourself, an Obama staffer has done that. Not Obama. No comment on race has ever come out of Obama's mouth.
Reply:Associated Press? You mean the Associated with the Clinton's Press, don't you?
Reply:Neither is getting my vote. So I don't care how much mud they sling at each other.
Reply:It would help if you supply the link to this story.
Reply:If Hillary can play the woman card, I think Obama can play his. It's a game by both campaigns, don't take this crap personal.
Reply:This is fun watching the Dems beat each other up. I need some more popcorn.

ITS POLITICS AS USUAL. So please get off the soap box. Both sides are dirty in one way or another.
Reply:Hillary plays every card in the deck and then denies any knowledge of it.And lets not forget that scripted tear up last week.
Reply:my question is ,why should i care?
Reply:Hillary has been playing the gender card for a long time, so turn around sounds like fair play to me.

BTW - I'm not in the Obama camp, but the Hillary campaign is offensive to me in the HUGE amount of hypocrisy that constantly spews from there.
Reply:How can someone who's BOTH black and white play the race card....You sound stupid.
Reply:Like I've said before, you play the cards your dealt.

Do you think for one minute that Hillary's staff isn't looking for statements that can be used to play the feminine card. This is a Presidential Campaign!!! Quit crying and play ball or go home!!!!!
Reply:Buddy's right. the Clintons are the bad guys in this.
Reply:I don't care. Why don't you worry about the candidate you support. Try promoting the guy/gal you want to win and get over the bashing. What grade are you in?
Reply:Democrats can find an excuse for anything.
Reply:Hillary is a bigot. Remember her remark about Gandhi and the gas station.

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