Monday, May 24, 2010

Did you buy Bubba's story about how he wasn't using the race card but the race card was being?

used against Hillary?

Once again is Bubba trying to make us think that grass is blue and the sky is green?

That up is down and down is up?

Why does the media keep shoving this sick liar in our face?

Did you buy Bubba's story about how he wasn't using the race card but the race card was being?
the liberal media is always trying to shove their trash down our throats

thankyou Time Warner

for shoving all this garbage in my face
Reply:The tactics of these sociopaths don't interest me.

It looks like he's trying to get a rise out of people and pit a race war. Sadly, he's playing on the ignorance of his own people.

Let's hope intelligence prevails.
Reply:Stop spreading Obama propaganda. Obama is a scary dude - and his racist big-mouth wife is even scarier. GO HILLARY!
Reply:bill clinton is a power whore.

he will not go away until he is six feet under.

the clintons are the worst scum bags in politics
Reply:I remember a comic from the Sixties, I think it was Nipsy Russell but I could be wrong on that, who had a catch phrase "The Devil made me do it!"

Bill reminds me of that.

** Thanks, yes, Flip Wilson it was. I guess I "beered" that memory cell a long time ago.
Reply:I find it hard to believe the only elected president who was impeached for lying, who was disbarred for lying and who claims not to know the meaning of the word 'is'.

EDIT: open4on it was Flip Wilson's character Geraldine.
Reply:Question.... who in their right mind believes ANYTHING that is said by either Clinton?

Were you asleep during the 90s??

These people should be in JAIL, not in public office. I dont care what Bubba or Hillly say... I trust them as far as I can throw them.
Reply:Yes. I do believe him.. because the " race" card has never been used against the Clinton's in all these years of working for the black community.

The blacks just loved Clinton in his two elections.. couldn't say enough good about him... but then a black man gets in the race and suddenly the Clinton's are mud.. why is that.

Could be a little racism??? you bet.. but it isn't Clinton... look to yourself.

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