Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is Obama or Clinton stronger on stopping illegal immigration? Or do they want Social Security for illegals?


Is Obama or Clinton stronger on stopping illegal immigration? Or do they want Social Security for illegals?
Obama strongly supports drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. For that reason, he just rec'd the endorsement of one of the hispanic leaders that supports illegal immigration. Obama will not stop this huge problem, so it will continue to drain 333 BILLION dollars a year from the American people and that amount will continue to increase every year.

Clinton won't stop the problem either, so ask yourself how that helps to get our economy back on track. Wake up people. Time is running short and we need the supporters of these insane Dems to turn the tide here and get someone in office that will actually help this country. The current Democratic runners ARE NOT THE ANSWER.
Reply:Neither of them are any good on that issue.
Reply:Both will do nothing to stop the flow of illegals.
Reply:The democratic party agenda includes amnesty for illegals already in the country. They both claim they will be tougher on border security but given their proposed additional social programs and expansion of existing ones, there will be little funds available for trivial matters to them like homeland and border security.
Reply:they both want amnesty for illegals.
Reply:Oh , but he does want Social Security for the Illegals , and wants the Border opened.
Reply:Both of them are whores for la raza votes, but Nobama is the worst. He brags that he marched with the illegals who were demonstrating for the rights of illegals. What a traitor! Also, NObama advocates giving driving licenses to illegal aliens.

Check out the sites below for more info on the candidates and their stances on illegal aliens.

Presidential candidates and their records on the immigration issue:





Barak Hussein endorses driver’s licenses for illegal aliens.

LOU DOBBS TONIGHT Transcripts 1/28/08.

Reply:I wouldn't consider either to be interested in stopping illegal immigration at all
Reply:i dont think that they are good on that issue a reason is obama dosent have as much experiencs and hilary is a cry baby no lie
Reply:immigration is a non issue, it only comes up when they are trying to get hispanic votes.

lets talk about taxes and oil prices.

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