Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bill Clinton enjoys the mudslinging, but can't see his own hypocrisy?

Bill says there's nothing wrong with the way the Democrats are duking it out.

But, he plays the gender card with “Apparently it’s okay to say bad things about a girl,”

In the very next sentence he speaks, however, he scolds Obama for not being able to take the heat, “That’s all that matters. If a politician doesn’t wanna get beat up, he shouldn’t run for office. If a football player doesn’t want to get tackled or want the risk of an a occasional clip he shouldn’t put the pads on.”


Why can't he see that his comment about Obama, should also apply to Hillary? Is he saying that it shouldn't because she's a "girl"?

Why do the Clintons ALWAYS refuse to see how the same thing that applies to everyone else, also applies to THEM?

Bill Clinton enjoys the mudslinging, but can't see his own hypocrisy?
I think you have to have thick skin to run for President, that's for sure. I agree, Bill is definitely a hypocrite, And it's laughable that he would cry sexism (Monica Yada-Yada). I'm also sick of every single time anything is said or done that might upset Obama theres a retraction, or an apology Yada-Yada! It's only going to get tougher on the candidates till Nov. So he needs to man up and grow some skin, and Bill needs to be quite.
Reply:i think what he meant is no one gets outraged when Hillary gets slammed, but no one better say a word about Obama or you're racist or jealous of his eloquence. Get real! I agree with him, if you can't take it ,don't run for president.
Reply:Politics as been this way since it was created you and Obama seem to be still sucking on your thumbs if you can't realize what politics is. And yes I am sorry I agree with Bill ... talk trash all you want about women, about whites, about kitchen sink policy but God forbid you would talk about blacks or Hispanics or gays and lesbians. I am sick and tired of being bullied by minority groups that PLAY the race card on a DAILY basis and we have to suck it up and shut up or apologize to them. I say you want to play with the grown up? then act like one. All Obama camp does is cry cry cry ... why not counter attack? why not take on the battle? oh that's right ... it must explain why Obama wants to sit down with our enemies and talk ... cause he just can't take the heat.
Reply:Because they are above everyone else. Hillary is a war hero! She ran to an armored vehicle under sniper fire. They expect people to believe anything they say because they think the American people are weak-memoried morons.
Reply:was the GIRL he was referring to...his WIFE???

Is that the most sexist thing you've ever heard or what? HRC feminist supporters crack me up, enabling this guy.

Bill Clinton is making the case to get in the gutter. Thats what he wants to do. Thats what he and his wife want to do for the next 4-8 years...fight and drag us through their BS with the Republicans. They get OFF on that.


No thanks. No Dynasty.

Obama 08

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