Monday, May 24, 2010

Why do Barack Hussein Obama supporters object to usage of his middle name yet in the same breath use Bush's ,

Clinton's, and others so frequently? Does he earn a pass because his middle name is Islamic and also used by more than a few terrorists? Are they that ashamed of his African Islamic father, and why does his own mother stand up when his camp speaks about the race card?

Why do Barack Hussein Obama supporters object to usage of his middle name yet in the same breath use Bush's ,
Having the middle name Hussein is unlucky for Obama. It doesn't help that his last name rhymes with Osama. Plus, his father was a communism-supporting African Muslim who abandoned his wife and son and then went on to have two wives in Africa. Kind of disturbing, huh?
Reply:Because George W. Bush goes by that name. It's the same as H. Ross Perot not using his first name, Henry. I think we should use the name that people wish to go by.

Maybe his middle name, because of what it apparently is connoting to some, does make him feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's use as a tool to infer a type of underhanded discrimination is something he'd rather steer away from. After all, people of all faiths, races, names, genders, etc., have just as much a right to be president as the Georges, Wiliams, Johns, and so forth.

Maybe we should just call him Barack Obama, as we call George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan, and not Georgie, William, James, or Ron.
Reply:Now that is a fallacy.

Hillary's middle name is not used in any way shape or form. From the time she married Bill, she had used her maiden name hyphenated so Rodham-Clinton ( her middle name is Diane)

We don't hear George Walker Bush, we hear George W. to differentiate which President Bush is being referred to. Only Obama has his middle name used with frequency and denigration.

His mother has been dead for over 10 years so, you seemed to have missed that point. He has spoken about her and her battle with cancer and the other battle with the health insurance industry. So unless, someone held a seance to talk with her, then she would not be able to speak.
Reply:Nobody refers to Bush or Clinton by their middle names.....

When is the last time you heard some refer to Bush as "walker" or clinton "diane?"

Oh, you meand his initial? Its a term of endearment going back to his texas days.

If people didn't use Barack's middle name in a negative manner, others wouldn't care. its just that racist people can't help but show their racism....not sure why.
Reply:I hear very few people use Clinton's (either Bill or Hillary's) middle name.

Bush's middle name is used to differentiate him from his father. And most people call him "George W. Bush" or just "Dubya", a nickname that comes from his Texas days.
Reply:I have no problem as long as you do the same with the rest of the candidates.

Do you call Bill Clinton by his full name "William Jefferson Clinton".

If not, then you are doing that with deceptive motives.
Reply:people just dont like his name ...

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