Thursday, May 20, 2010

Does Obama really thing he can lure Clinton voters?

....or is his inexperience and naivete showing? How can he POSSIBLY think that after the way he and the DNC treated her and her supporters, that they will just kiss and make up? Hill's supporters know that she was strong-armed into showing party unity with the hated Obama. She would scratch his freaking eyeballs out right now if she could get away with it. Fortunately, her supporters (including most of my family) aren't held with guns to their heads like she is! Obama has done NOTHING but look down his nose at, and insult white, patriotic, blue collar workers. he has basically said that anyone who doesn't live in the ultra-liberal northeast or west coast is a dumb cracker. His arrogant attitude more than trumps any policy similarities between him and Hillary. To see him crawl back now because he needs her just shows what a hypocrite and weakling he is. I think him playing the race card yet again yesterday was the final nail in his coffin. Let's send him packing back to Chicago!

Does Obama really thing he can lure Clinton voters?
He ain't gettin' me. I'm voting for the old white dude.
Reply:Hillary has put her support 100% behind Obama.

This is a non issue

Its time to move on and start dealing with real issues instead of this constant supposition and non questions.


Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


551 - 479 BC



Reply:Of course. HRC and Obama have very similar platforms. An HRC vote for McCain is one that is made for one of a few reasons:

1. Spite because HRC didn't get the nom

2. They never really knew any of HRC's policies and were voting for name recognition
Reply:He can think that, but Clinton is just doing the bare minimum for him to get him to pay off her debt.

27% Clinton supporters said they would back McCain and 18% more said they would stay home; either way both groups said they would not votfe or Obama no matter what
Reply:Because he IS winning them over.

As Hillary Clinton has said, every minute you spend looking back is a minute you could be moving forward.

But looking at your Q%26amp;A you were obviously never a Hillary supporter, anyway.
Reply:I am a clinton supporter, so was everyone in my family and we are all voting for Obama.

The only ones who wont are the racist dixie crat left overs and who cares about them?
Reply:He already is. He won't win over all of them but a significant portion will chose him over McCain.

Your hostility because you didn't get your way is really pretty sad.
Reply:I don't think he's trying to "lure" anybody. He's trying to earn your vote the same as McCain.

You can still vote for Hillary, just write her name in when you vote.

Yes this is why
Reply:Most Hillary supporters are voting for Obama.
Reply:Well maybe. I mean Clinton is a Democrat and so is Obama. Only makes sense.
Reply:Hillary McCain 08
Reply:in my opinion, ALL politicians are hypocrites and liars. they lie like hell to get elected, only to forget their lies once elected.then they run for reelection and trot out the same old lies. and the reason they didn't accomplish anything? well obviously it was the other party's fault. and both sides of the aisle play the blame game quite well. while working folks are going downhill fast.

that being said, yes. obama probably can win over clinton's supporters. all he has to do is prove he's the lesser of two evils. and with mccain backing all of dubya's policies? he(obama) just might be able to pull it off. what sad shape BOTH political party's are in. which bodes ill winds for the American people.

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