Monday, May 24, 2010

Why do conservatives always bring out the treason card?

As soon as you criticize Bush or Republicans they start ranting about how you're a traitor, who hates America, loves terrorists, are "the enemy from within", give aid and comfort to the enemies, blah, blah, blah.

I didn't hear this kind of talk from liberals when cons were busy attacking Bill Clinton 24/7.

Why do conservatives always bring out the treason card?
It's the classic bully in the sandbox routine. They can't win the argument by legitimate means so they resort to names and other nasty tactics.
Reply:500 years ago these same people said the Earth was flat.

150 years ago these same people said Abolitionists were traitors and openly assaulted them on the streets.

50 years ago these same people wrote and supported Jim Crow laws and condoned the KKK's lynching of black men.

30 years ago these same people insisted Nixon was the greatest president in history and demonized the "left-wing" news media for running him out of office.

These are ignorant people unworthy of our consideration.

(Wasn't the "Dean scream" a result of an stereo speaker or audio malfunction blown WAY out of proportion? I seem to remember Cokie Roberts admitting as much once it was obviously too late.)
Reply:If you ask me there the traitors, And they are the ones being unpatriotic! How could they still defend BUSH? 70% of Americans would agree. The people have spoken isn't that the way it still works or did Bush get rid of that too?
Reply:Republicans have refined the art of manipulating the public and they don't hesitate to use every weapon they have. They've conducted weekly focus groups and polls for years, and they know which false accusations and characterizations will resonate with the public. Calling Democrats treasonous cowards works in two ways. A lot of voters believe these charges and Democrats modify their behavior to avoid more accusations. How? By going along with the Republican agenda. That's why most of the Dems, including Hillary, went along with the invasion of Iraq, when they KNEW the intelligence on nuclear weapons was iffy and that Saddam was cooperating with the inspectors.

Google Grover Norquist, if you're not familiar with him and his focus groups.
Reply:Can you name one thing that the left has done to support the troops? You call the democrats in congress patriots?
Reply:omg u r TR8TOR!
Reply:Who do the terrorists want to be in power? Democrats. Why is that?

That is not true. They know Democrats are weak on defense, and as we can see right now they will cut and run at the slightest obstacle.

Clinton let Osama go. Where are you getting this misinformation. You shouldn't make these things up. Some one with lesser intelligence might believe you.
Reply:Always?? Don't think so.

No, with Clinton you usually heard that it's ONLY sex...blah, blah, blah.

No, it's really about lying and perjury. Funny though, that didn't get mentioned much.
Reply:When you are attacking Clinton for boinking interns, and raising taxes, it is less "anti-American" then attacking Bush for decisions, poor or not, on defending America through force.
Reply:that only comes from the extreme right. i wouldn't say that bush is a great president but i dont think he is as bad as many make him out to be.
Reply:That's because a lot of them could very easily be arrested for treason. It isn't just speaking out against Bush, it's what they're saying and doing when they do that. Take Harry Reid, for example: I would love to see him thrown in jail for treason on the grounds that he is obstructing the war effort. Of course, by that logic, you'd have to arrest a good portion of Congress, including the Damascus Diva, but we won't go there. Abraham Lincoln did it during the Civil War -- people tried to politicize the war and in doing so made it difficult to win, so he had them thrown in jail for treason. We've become rather lax about what we do and don't define as treason, unfortunately.
Reply:Anyone that defends Bush should be considered a traitor. Anyone who supports the continual loss of our soldiers in a civil war we have no business being involved in is a traitor.

Anyone who thinks the secrecy of the current administration is OK is a traitor.

Anyone who thinks that the enemy from within is anyone other than Bush, is a moron.

Reply:okay....well first off, every cons. doesn't do that, I do not.

secondly, there is no way you can intlelligently compare clintons administration to bush's admin. Clinton had maybe 2% of the media/america/etc against him, even when he was boinking the fat chick, whereas Bush has around 85% of all media/america against him, many for absolutely no reason.

If the libs. could come up with a solution to so many of the "problems" that they so eloquently point out for all the world to see, then I would never say a bad thing about them ever again, but they never do.

The reason cons. attack Clinton is bc he done pretty close to absolutely nothing while in office. Its easy to be a 'good' pres. when all you do is stand in for pics and bang ugly chicks in the white house.

come on man........use ur brain.
Reply:Any point of veiw which encourages citizens not to exorcise their rights of citizenship (including the right of assembly, fee press and speach), and discourages citizens from asking questions of those in power is by definition unpatriotic.

It is when we change who we are as a people that we begin to give hope and comfort to our enemies. I say these things as a veteran who is well aware of why he wore the uniform of his nation.
Reply:That could be because no conservative was actively or tacitly supporting people who were killing US troops.
Reply:Distraction from the corruption and incompetence of the republicans over the last 6 years.
Reply:It was Republicans that put the people they now call terrorists where they are in the first place. I think it's projection that makes them call liberals traitors.
Reply:Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Reply:They (the neocons) have their heroes and one of the heroes talked about just the sort of thing you are talking about. He told how easy it is to get lemmings. Here is the quote from their hero:

Hermann Goering, second in command of the Third Reich and key founder of the Nazi party, said; “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger”.

From another of their heroes comes a quote that explains why the Bushies lie and why the lemmings follow along:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

__Josef Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

But they just can't seem to understand what General and President Eisenhower ( a true mainstream Republican) had to say:

"Here in America we are descended in spirit from revolutionaries and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine."...Dwight D. Eisenhower

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