Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Whats wrong with Bill Clinton?

Today he says Obama played the race card on him, and that he doesnt think he should take any sh*t from anyone on that one.

He has said Obama was throwing the Kitchen sink.

but at the same time he says you have to be tough, he used football analogies, if you dont want to be hit dont suit up.-- so why is he whining so much?

Whats wrong with Bill Clinton?

When money talks, people walk.

This guy has had so many questionable encounters with women, you have to wonder how many of them were paid to stay quiet.

Besides, Obama already told him he wouldn't rent the Lincoln room to Bill, and even if he were to do so, it'd be conditional on Hillary having to share the bed with Bill.
Reply:He is "Henpecked" right now and he cannot afford a divorce!

Maybe Bill Clinton should not be elected,after all a president should keep "his brother in check"but at least he could speak his mother tongue,the same thing cannot be said about the present president but can be said that he likes to hold hands a lot!
Reply:Both democrat candidates are whiners

How in the world does anyone actually think either one of them can run our great nation, with the whining they are doing about who said what and when.

No wonder the Dems have a 70% DISAPPROVAL rating in the Congress, who in their sane mind would want one to be our President?
Reply:I never liked Bill Clinton from the beginning. Anybody who drove an El Camino in college shouldn't be president. If you can't chose between a Malibu and a pick-up, you don't need to be running the free world. -Tim Wilson
Reply:He is campaigning.......where is Michelle by the way?........Obama is sure keeping her hid away.

I really don't understand why everyone is so concerned about the spouses........and why Bills extra-marital affair of 15 years ago still enthralls people.

We should be more concerned with what the candidates can do for us.
Reply:I'm really wondering that too.

He was someone that many in the Democratic party admired for his work in the 90's.

However he and Hillary are quickly destroying their reputation and political capital right now by staying in the race for ego purposes.
Reply:He is a drunk who wants free rent again, and is trying to get presidential privilege for his wife, because she may be indicted in October in the L A Superior Court, along with him. Case: Peter Paul vs. Clintons.
Reply:I don't understand what happened to him... I used to love that guy! And I missed him throughout Bush's crappy presidency... up to now...

It's like he's turning into some little crazy monster that's even bad for his own wife's campaign... I think he's going senile!
Reply:Was he wagging his finger when he said it?

That guy is so irritating. It must run in the family.

D1 is correct. If she doesn't win immunity, she' going to get payback for her shenanigans.
Reply:He is not whining, what he said was Obama is playing the race card and he should not have to take any sh** from anyone on that. Thats GOOD Bill. That IS BEING TOUGH!!! LOL!!!What do you think that means?
Reply:The Clintons are tough, mean, and sore losers.....AND, of course, Bill promised Hillary she would be elected Pres if she stood behind him and Monica
Reply:The only thing wrong with Bill Clinton is a possible sex addiction. He has a lot of reason to believe he shouldn't be hassled about racism.
Reply:Bill realizes that he will not get his 3rd term in office.
Reply:bill clinton is just upset that he cant get back into the white house to molest the interns
Reply:Hes just supporting his wife. You find something wrong with that?
Reply:Bill whine? what about Obama, he whines over questions he gets asked
Reply:Democrats whine. That's their trait. What do you expect?

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