Monday, May 24, 2010

Is Obama using the race card again?!?

Is he using the race card again by suggesting that the clinton's circulated a pic of him wearing a white turban?! Sadly these tactics worked in south carolina and made that dramatic shift where 9 out of 10 blacks voted for him since then, but is it gonna work on march 4th primaries?

Is Obama using the race card again?!?
When Obama supporters accuse other supporters of being r***t because of not being for Obama, that is where the line in the sand had been drawn.

I am surprised ever since that first day he had Oprah campaigning with him nobody has figured this out yet. Obama's jedi mind tricks must be more powerful than I thought.
Reply:all hail lord obama!!!
Reply:I predict it will not work in March 4th primaries for Obama.

Obama appeared out of no where and is running for Pres. No one knows anything about him. Half his family is Muslim and lives in Africa. Is it now taboo to see family photos of presidential candidates?
Reply:When asked whether her camp circulated this photo, they did not deny it. So where do you think it came from. She and Bill have been race-baiting all along...but of course denying it all. She is losing respect of lots of people. I'm glad HER true colors are coming out....and Bill's. Color the Clintons UGLY.
Reply:Why not use it again if it works?! It sure worked fine before S.C primary and many fools fell for this scam and even suggested that clinton's started the race card when in fact he did. He was the one who jumped on her comment about president LBJ. This guy will use anything to win, so sad.
Reply:Obama will do like he did last night , talk very nice to Hillary , then Stab her in the back, he is a liar and a cheat, and has a friend called Larry Sinclair that does what Obama wants him to do.
Reply:well blacks like to use the race card alot so I wouldn't be surprised. And if he gets elected as president then you'll see these race cards getting played even more.
Reply:What does the votes of blacks have to do with Obama playing the race card? After his Iowa win and A-list political endorsements, blacks were going to vote for him anyway, because he had proven that he was electable. Obama has NEVER used the race card. It was the Clintons that race baited. They did it again by NOT denying that they circulated the photo. They know that they circulated it. It really isn't a big deal, but it is known that many people would try to use it as fuel to tear Obama down.
Reply:I'd like to remind everyone that Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses, in a lilly-white state like Iowa, with an African-American population of less than 3%. Obama has the support of all ethnicities because it is time for a change.

OBAMA '08.
Reply:The Drudge report's site said that Clinton's campaign provided the photo.
Reply:Im so tired of the stupit race card, why act like children
Reply:He wouldn't have to use the race card if people would stop using race bias to make him look bad.

It's insidious,really.

If he were white, there is no way this picture would be any big deal.

choose roller blades

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