Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why doesn't Chelsie Clinton go into the volunteer military?

Everyone seems to want to rant on the Bush Girls and Prince Harry but why won't Bill and Hillary talk Chelsie into going into their beloved Peace Corps or into military service to serve the country they claim to proudly represent? Is it because she is a card carrying member of the elitist left who refuse to serve in the military because it is beneath their dignity or position in life? I think so....

Why doesn't Chelsie Clinton go into the volunteer military?
Maybe for the same reason the Bush kids don't: The military is VOLUNTARY! There is no reason for anyone to join the military other than because they want to.
Reply:Yes, I hear the military uses K-9s

Maybe Chelsea can be trained to sniff out some explosives
Reply:You mean she didn't serve in Kosovo? But... but.... all the liberals and Democrats and Clinton-worshippers on this site say that a President should send his children to fight if he sends soldiers to war.

Of course, they also said (but only for 2000 and 2004) that active duty service was absolutely required for a president, so why did they elect the lying scumbag draft-dodging flag-burning Clinton twice? Could they be [gasp!]... hypocrites?
Reply:leave that poor girl alone, lol. She's already survived her own war, and they are probably scared she'll lose it and invade Iran on her own. lol. Granted I don't think we need the bush twins their either. Some people are meant for the service, and some people are meant to take Lithium.
Reply:Chelsea (not Chelsie) Clinton is not the daughter of the man who claims that this war is absolutely necessary for the security of our nation. That's why.
Reply:Better yet, why didn't the then-Republican-controlled House bring back the draft so they had enough troops to fight the wars they started?

So many questions, so much gutter politics. Way to go, USA! %26amp; you wonder why the rest of the world laughes at you?!
Reply:It would be nice if that's what she wanted. Chelsie has turned out to be a responsible, dignify young women. Would the same be said for the Bush trust fund brats. As for Harry the tabloids speak to his behavior

riding boots

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