Monday, May 24, 2010

How come John Edwards wife ...?

How come John Edwards wife only has cancer when John Edwards is trying to get publicity?

He did this in 2004 and now that he is way behind Clinton and Obama ... here comes the wife cancer card again.

How come John Edwards wife ...?
I'm not sure, but that John Edwards is not good enough to be our president. He sued the Red Cross 3 times! He also sued a lot of doctors that were not doing anything wrong and put them out of business. He is an ambulance chaser!
Reply:I'm sure his wife has breast cancer and that is very sad, but I think he's using it as a publicity stunt for his own political motives...

I think he's a creep!
Reply:i'm not an edwards fan, but i highly doubt this is a publicity stunt. sometimes disease and cancer seem to recharge and come back when people are under stress.

i don't think its the best decision that he's continuing, but it's THEIR decision to make. i don't think it would be the right one for me personally.
Reply:I just knew that all of these comments would start!!! How can anyone even think this is a publicity stunt. He is on the campaign trail; he needs to explain why his wife is all of a sudden not by his side.

How would we react to see her in the next month bald!!!! Would people think she shaved her head as a way to get votes!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:If you remember her last episode was announced the day AFTER Kerry and Edwards LOST the election..You do not plan cancer for your convenience.
Reply:the cancer card...interesting ...i guess if you have the idea that any publicity is better than no publicity and pity publicity is even better than that.and then "thinking of the country before you think of yourself or family" get the message...i wish her well...but as far as im concerned, there are enough democratic politicians who can ruin this country without him needing to play a role...he should tend to his family....this just kinda goes to show what the lure of power can do to someone...
Reply:OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe you would make such an outright and blatant assumption for god's sake!! Have you no compassion for your fellow man? Oh yeah, you're probably a conservative/republican and they have no compassion or empathy for their fellow man!

Many times some things are better left unsaid, and your question definitely falls into that category!!!
Reply:Oh boy, I'm a die hard conservative, but this suggestion is too harsh. Cancer is an unpredictable devil that I wouldn't wish on anyone. She has two small children. We should keep her in our prayers.
Reply:All I want to know is when is New Orleans going to be chocolate again????? Or was that just more empty promises

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