Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why did everyone bully Sarah today in Apprentice?

... i mean she did as much work as any other, and came up with an innovative idea. she mentioned making religious day cards (eid, vaisaki etc etc) i mean, i aint no muslim but i KNOW that theres a huge market for that out there that no one does. (Take note Mr Clinton Cards) But they chose some shitty topic like environmently friendly cards... pisssed me right off to blame it on her.... and i went crazy at the end when they all bulllied her... who the helll did they think they all were?

specially that ***** jenny, i want to chop her head off. back stabbing *****.


Why did everyone bully Sarah today in Apprentice?
They picked on her because she was the easy target..... its probably also the producers showing that it is not just Lucinda who is being picked on.

She shouldn't give up so easily when she is trying to make her point. Even saw Siralan (Sir Alan but everyone runs the two words together!) talk over her when she was talking in the board room.
Reply:Jenny is a manipulative, opportunistic, back stabbing cow. I can't believe she steered all the blame towards Sara, and then the others all followed suit.

The programme is starting to make me really angry, especially when people like Lee and Alex (who I thought so far had seemed ok) also starting having a go.

Lucinda or Raef to win - they seem like the only decent pair in there who are not prepared to slag off other people.

Jenny and Helene out - pair of back stabbing, bullying idiots.
Reply:I agree with you all, the Religious cards was a brilliant idea. I find it hard finding a decent Eid card around my area, other then those in some corner shops that are dated back to the 60's with the corny pop up's. I usually have to buy decent Eid cards on the internet.

My heart fell for Sara, some of them are real bigots.

Whatever goes around comes around.

Raef to win!
Reply:I just watched, soo shocking.

Poor Sara she has shown great skill in the past few shows. She had a sucesful Bolywood night. When 'Angry' Simon was boss she listened to him and was never argumentative.

She had great ideas for this task.

I think the a lot of the girls in this show are soo b;i;tchy.

Cant wait for Jenny to be fired.

What a git Lee was being to Sarah he really showed his true colours.

Reply:i've seen similar behaviour in the playground.Two bullies gang up and pick on someone who they see as weak.Others join in,frighten as they think if they agree with the bullies,the bullies won't have a go at them.

Eventually as the group of apprentices gets smaller,the two bullies will turn on each other.
Reply:Me thinks the only Gay in the Village is in Love with the only Witch on the apprentice he is A h**l and the other loud mouth at the end not sure of his name he is also, can't wait for him to get the boot. Which prison did Sir Alan drag him from lol
Reply:i know, i nearly had a cow, who does that bloke think he is. dunno his name but he was like ''if you dont pull your weight then you're fired, end of... end of...'' he kept saying it. what a tosser. the right person definately got fired i'm glad sara stayed.

it was so funny when the other team won and wotshisface was like ''COME ON!'' like a football hooligan lmao
Reply:I don't think Sara was bullied, people were just giving honest opinions. She seems to just keep herself below the radar and then whinges at the end that her input wasn't listened to. Let's see how she performs when she is in charge, if she lasts that long.
Reply:their ideas were pants my kids could have thought up better ideas and to blame zarah was out of order what bullies i thought , two girls get fired next week for cheating i really hope its jenny and claire they are the too cocky for words !!
Reply:That was not nice and was outright bullying - I bet Sir Alan won't be happy about that. As to why I think it was because they thought she would get fired and were disappointed she came back and Kevin didn't so took it out on her.
Reply:jenny is totally satanic i despise her. i agree sara didn't contribute a great deal but it was totally unnecessary for them to bully her. raef's a totaly knight i %26lt;3 him =)
Reply:I agree, it was very ugly and shows what nasty people a lot of them are.

If I was Sara, I would get up early and offer to make morning tea. Then piss in certain cups.
Reply:yes it was have a go at zara day tonight, the apprentice always makes me cringe, i mean what daft idea's they came up with tonight, honestly!
Reply:Because she is not very assertive and comes across as being weak.

That is the type of personality bullies go for
Reply:They bullied her bacause she is not a bully herself. But wait and see, it's nowhere from finished yet!
Reply:Bullying is part of the programme- turn off and don't encourage them.
Reply:ugly wasn't it????

I shouldn't watch the apprentice. It sends my blood pressure through the roof.
Reply:Yes i agree - i thought Sara's idea was brilliant, there is a market for religious cards. Jenny dismissed Sara as usual and rail-roaded Kevin just as Sir Alan Sugar said Jenny ran the show!!

I think the ones who bullied Sara were doing what bullies do - they pick on the weakest one around. I found myself wondering why they wanted Kevin to stay??? Raef stood up for her though, so well done Raef....

They bullied Lucinda for weeks till she won the task as leader, and this week it was Sara's turn - bunch of bullies and we all know it.

Jenny's turn will come, she'll get what she deserves : )
Reply:yeah i dont beleive it. i really felt sorry for sara.

Her idea was brilliant, as you cant get any religious cards in any card shops.

(being a muslim myself, i have to travel to an asian area just to buy a eid card)

because i live in town where its not much multi cultured its hard to find places that sell religious card.

jenny is a f***ing ****** and makes my blood boil everytime i see her. aaarrgghh

I dont beleive kevin the f***ing idiot didnt choose to bring her in the boardroom. i was furious

serves him right for being fired because he didnt choose jenny.

oh and also i dont beleive that b@stard lee mqueen ...how does he know sara did not contribute much. he wasnt even on her team.

its not he is doing much. he hasnt even been a team leader yet!!
Reply:EXACTLY! And its a shame that we as the viewers can see it...Sir Alan could see it...but the rest of them couldn't! They wanted someone to blame so they pulled out the "lets blame it on the person who contributed the least" when infact she didn't. They knew they did crap, and they wanted to blame someone else which made them look low!

Like sara said...their loss was not due to her lack of contribution but to the crap idea they put foward and even Sir Alan agreed. I really do hope its not a bullying attack on the girl because they know she won't say much back.
Reply:bcoz Jenny instigated it and they all fell for it..she managed to distract everyones atttention from the fact the shitty idea was hers....and decided to blame Sara for not doing anything...yet when you watch it..everytime Sara tried to say anything she just shouted her down and bcoz her team were following her lead she ignored Sara's ideas so they did too..she was in control and not Kevin.....

They are a bunch of ego maniacs and all very weak and so bullying someone they perceive as weak makes them feel better about themselves...

Sir Alan needs to sort out the bullying and make an example of a few people by sacking them for this...there is enough bullying in society without it being endorsed by TV programmes...I lost all respect for the blokes that attacked Sara and respect to the bloke that stood for her...bunch of loosers.....

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