Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why does everyone think OBAMA started the RACE thing?

He didn't! The Clinton's did!! He was running away from that the whole time!

Why do people think he is using the race card to get by in the election??

Is it because people feel that that's what black people do?

Why do people get so easily fooled??

Why does everyone think OBAMA started the RACE thing?
I think something got mis-represented by the media, then Obama came out with a come back (and still not that negative of a comment) ... Hillary also came back with a comment (again not that negative) One of the Top Guys (I can't remember his name) of BET came out against Obama saying that he shouldn't have gone against Hillary "A Supporter of all races" the way he did...

I don't think either of them "started" it... I do think that the media blew something way out of where it should have stayed and then both sides tried to defend themselves... which then got taken even further out of either of their hands...

Sorry, but I highly doubt either side is trying to play any "race" card, Hillary has huge support with people in poverty, as does Obama... and I don't think anyone is trying to put down any group of people...

If either of them win, this country will get to take a huge leap in the right (aka a much better) direction...
Reply:The despicable Clintons started the race thing. To me this shows that the Clintons have been using the blacks for their own benefit for years. If the Clintons had not stirred up this issue it never would have been an issue.

White, Black or Hispanic: punish this sneaky form of race baiting and vote against the Clinton's'; and vote for either Obama or a Republican.

If the Clinton's were honest Hillary would get out, Bill would shut up and they would be Obama's best supporter.

Clinton was never a 'black' president. He simply used the blacks to 'their' own advantage.

Obama is respectable, cultured. The Clintons are

poor white trash who acquired their wealth by using people.
Reply:We'll, Hillary Clinton made a dumb (but harmless) comment about LBJ and MLK. But, the Obama camp intentionally made Barack say that her statement was "ill-advised". If you actually watch the clip of Hillary's statement, you can tell that her statement was totally harmless. However, Obama's campaign made it seem like it was a big deal. In addition, the media keeps saying "race card", which made it seem like the election is motivated by race. The truth is that Hillary was innocent, and Obama was told to do the wrong thing. The media is to blame for this whole race card thing.
Reply:His campaign people did start the "race thing" when they had criticized Hillary for saying that LBJ got MLK's ideas passed, then the media blew it up as the often do. Now in the last debates Obama did bring up race and gender, and mockingly referred to Edwards as the White Guy. I think that could be perceived as a little racist, it certainly would be if Edwards had referred to Obama as The Black Guy.
Reply:Nobody started any race thing. There is no race thing. I can't understand what the "race thing" is. Do you really think that any presidential candidate--especially a democrat--would bring up race in a presidential election? I have not heard any candidate mention anything to do with race. I have heard the media take soundbites to make it sound like there is a "race thing".

Honestly, I don't know who to trust for the news anymore.
Reply:Media did, then Bill tactics continuing it.

However, I hate this race thing.
Reply:When you hang out with black separatists who are known racists in America (even the black community recognizes it) - and your political and spiritual mentor preaches division and separation of our country, into two America's - Black America and White America (Obama's pastor) - that IS playing the race card - it goes to the very rotten core of Racism. Do your homework.
Reply:I honestly think it was the media who started and egged the racial issue. It was expected.
Reply:Because tired old Bill Clinton started that lie to round up more white votes.

That is the only way they can win.
Reply:He did not. I believe the fighting was a calculated strategy by the Clintons. I was sadden to hear Bill Clinton say how much he liked the fighting. They have fought alot with the republicans, now within the Democratic party. Again, I believe this is THE ONLY way the Clintons know how to exist. If that means injecting race that would split the party...so be it. Obama is not using race, it clearly does not do anything positive for him. On the other hand it IS working for the Clintons. They will use tears, race, lies, distortions.....whatever it takes. they really believe that they can bring the party back together again she wins the nomination...but thats not true. I have worked tirelessly as a campaign field director, a member of the Democratic committee and was a Clinton supporter. However, I will not support Clinton after their dirt. They cant claim its the Republicans this time. They are the common denominator in the dirt- sling fights.
Reply:Let's face it. Obama is no more an "African-American" than I am Cherokee. Sure, I'm 1/16th Cherokee and By GAWD, I'm proud of it!!!!

But, to pretend I've suffered the fiery arrows of anti-Cherokee-ism, is a bit silly. Same with Obama.

By the way, before you hurl a chunk at me, let me tell you that I'm also a 32nd African American. Yet I can't dance, can't tan, can't do anything my African ancestry should have imparted unto me. What's the deal?!

Reply:You're correct!!!
Reply:I hope they repeat the CNN debate between the Democrate candidate that way people would see what an idiot Obama is. When people as he question he BS the question or made racist answer. Boo!!! for Obama. Yes for Hillary that was the only one that made sense in the whole debate.
Reply:obama started thbe race thing when he entered the race against the dirtest politicians on the face of the earth.
Reply:No it is not Obama. It is Oprah while campaigning for Obama. But is it not paying rich dividends? Now Obama gets all the Black votes en mass and he goes in to Super Tuesday on February 05 with great momentum and surge like a tsunami and sweep rivals off their feet in the primaries of the 22 states.

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