Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why are we settling for such inappropriate candidates?

Lying appears to run in the Clinton family, Obama's "surrogate" father, "Mentor", and "spilitual advisor" is a card carrying hate monger, and McCain is a Bush-WACKED republican, married to an addict (remember the rehab trip in 2000?). I don't like that this election is about the lesser of THREE evils. What has happened to AMERICA? Have we lost our integrity?

Why are we settling for such inappropriate candidates?
I've come to the conclusion that it is because America is filled with people who cannot think for themselves.

Half the people I know are voting for Obama because they heard from somebody else that he is the best choice. They aren't interested in the fact that he's a manipulative racist who befriends other manipulative racists. They think he's the best shot at a Democrat in the White House, so they LOVE him. It's inane.

McCain scares me, though. So if it came to it, I'd vote for Obama to keep McCain out of the position. I'd probably regret it later, though.
Reply:Who did you vote for??

Who did your family vote for?

Who did your friends and acquaintances vote for?

Who did the people you pass on the street vote for?

Therein lies the answer...


In my opinion, they are not the "best available" or the lesser of the evils...

If Ron Paul or Mitt Romney had received more votes...guess what?? They would still be candidates.

I voted for Mitt Romney....but....not enough people did.
Reply:To be honest I love your question?

At this point what kind of hope do we have

I am voting for the person that I believe is more

than just words on the hope that what they say is right

and they will hold their promises its Politics

Lying is apart of that.....

Really in order to make an educated decision you

just have to do all the research you can and pick

as you say the lesser of three evils
Reply:I agree with you 110%. I don't think that this country has lost it's integrity, I think that most of it has lost it's mind!!!! I REFUSE to vote for the lesser of three evils. I didn't vote for any of these three jokes in the primaries and I sure won't vote for any of them in the General Election. I will most likely be voting for the Libertarian Party canidate if it is someone that I like. The current front runner (Wayne Allyn Root) is great!
Reply:To answer only your opening question, it's because they're the best available. If you could take your pick of the qualified, highly moral people around and drag him or her kicking and screaming to the inaugural platform, who would it be? Unfortunately, some of the best people just won't run! For instance, there's an experienced, qualified man who has won an Oscar, a Nobel Peace Prize, and the 2000 election, but--
Reply:Because the corporate government run media pulls the wool over the eyes of all the sheeple out there, so instead of supporting a real political party that is actually for the people such as the libertarians or the green party... people go vote for this demorepublicrat duopoly that's really just one big party.
Reply:It is the most difficult and under-paid job in the world. Accordingly, there are not a lot of people who want to deal with the head-ache and heart-ache that comes along with it. Also, even fewer people can afford it since campaigning has become such an expensive enterprise. The good news is that the actual individual doesn't matter too much. We're really voting on the philosophy that they represent via their party affiliation.
Reply:No matter who the candidate is, there is something bad to say about them.

No one is perfect, and everyone has skeletons in their closets.

If we were less critical and intrusive, maybe more quality people would think about running.
Reply:Again just beaucse people do not see correct cnadaite dosent mean there bad.

1. you dont have to vote

2. you can write in someone for all i care

3. go cry somewher else
Reply:The candidates are not our bouquet, or our flowering of

up and coming leaders
Reply:the Republican candidate works fine for me!
Reply:Vote for Ron Paul.

He has truckloads of integrity.

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