Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is Bill Clinton Hillary's WORST ENEMY and needs to just SHUT UP?

Does she believe that Willy Boy is such an asset that Hillary gives him free reign to go around the country stirring things up like he has?

Now we have this...

Bill Clinton says that Obama's campaign made a concerted effort to "play the race card" on him.

Listen to Billy Boy...


and then, later on he denies saying that...


Even Sen. Kennedy and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, both currently neutral in the Democratic contest, have told Willy heatedly on the phone that he needs to change his tone and stop attacking Sen. Barack Obama.

What is Hillary to do with this guy?

Will he cause Hillary to blow the election?

What would old friend Monica do?

Would she blow it too?

I'm just sayin'...

Is Bill Clinton Hillary's WORST ENEMY and needs to just SHUT UP?
Slick is still the man, He has the clout, he has the Juice, If

he wants to say what he does. Go right ahead, Kennedy,

Dean, Kerry, Dodd, all the other interlopers have no way

to stop him. If he wants to stand in the middle of Manhattan

with a Bull horn and say NOBAMA is a broke down version

of Jessie Jackson, and will make Mandingo look like rebecca

of Sunny Brook Farm, go ahead Willy. The man Understands

the leverage he has, being an Ex President, and I hope he

is on the evening news, morning news, afternoon news,

yelling his *** off. Right now he is playing Karl Rove, and

we don't have to use our secret weapon till the general election. Go slick. say hi to Monica.
Reply:What he says is true.....but all his critics come from the old school that you don't criticize a black under any circumstances while a black can (and is encouraged) to criticize a white.

These people who are attacking Bill Clinton would be the first to tell you that they believe in 'equality' and 'civil rights'.
Reply:I would say that Obama is helping Slick Willy put his eight years as president in full context. ...turns out he wasn't that great after all. BUT, were it not for Obama those who now curse his every action - would be praising his every action. Kind of makes the democrats look like a flock of fools.
Reply:your joke is funny.

however, i love Bill. i get what he means when he says things. i can bet all of Hillary suppporters get that too. i do, however, wish he would word things a little differently so that the average joe (i.e. Obama supporters) can understand his point of view as well.
Reply:Bill Clinton is Hillary's biggest asset, regardless of what he does. Al Gore chose to distance himself from Bill, and ended up losing the tie-breaker. Let's not forget that if it weren't for Bill, Hillary would still be a lawyer in Illinois.
Reply:Hitlery and her camp have driven an onslaught terrorist campaign since its inception so Bill is nothing really new. He and Hitlery are two peas in a pod. It's so sad but I'm sick of them---both of them.
Reply:He's just standing up for his wife. Wouldn't you do the same thing? Bill, though he's made some human errors, is a good man. And was an OK President, great compared to what we have now.
Reply:No, no quite. If you're looking for Senator Clinton's worst enemy, that would be...Senator Clinton Do I think her worst enemy should shut up? Boy, that'd be good...
Reply:Let Bill talk when he opens his mouth he removes all doubt!"Racist" mind set!

Obama 2008!

Ebony %26amp; Ivory President!
Reply:people like you are the worst enemy for this country

I'm wondering why yahoo allow people like you to post

crap stuff in this web page
Reply:the way words are twisted now days anything anyone says can be made the reverse of what was intended
Reply:Bill Clinton's a liar plain and simple. How people think that he's capable of truth and honesty is beyond me.
Reply:Whew! at the end you will stand for Hillary.
Reply:I think he needs to shut up. He isn't going to be president!

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