Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is Hillary Clinton racist?

She came under fire early for her and Bill's comments. Many political analysts have accused her of using the race card against Barack:




Now she's arguing that white people won't vote for Barack.

Clinton cited an Associated Press poll "that found how Senator Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

The way she said "hard-working Americans, white Americans" is troubling to me. I think there are some implications there she didn't intend to make, but she did subconciously.


Is Hillary Clinton racist?
Do you know why it troubles you? Because you don't trust white people in general. Before you get all offended, let me explain. She never says that Obama's black voters were lazy or that they were not hard workers. That is what you think she meant though. Why is it that you assume she views blacks negatively. Why not assume that she thinks blacks are hard working. After all, none of us can read minds. If she were black and had said this I am going to hazard a guess and say that you wouldn't have blinked an eye, but because she is white and says it, it bothers you. Their can only be one reason that it bothers you and it is that you don't trust white people. Clinton is not racist and neither was the comment. It was a statement of fact and it is impossible for facts to be racist. Racism deals with a persons beliefs or opinions. Facts and opinions are like oil and water. They don't mix. You say, "Now she's arguing that white people won't vote for Barack." No she isn't. You have your facts and opinions confused again. When something is a fact, it means that their is evidence for it. There is evidence which backs her statement, making it a fact. Their is no need to argue it. What she was arguing, is that Barack doesn't have enough support to win the election against McCain. Keep in mind I am not an Obama or Clinton supporter. I am just someone who is sick of the pc police who sit in the shadows salivating over the next chance to come out and attack someone. It is sickening.
Reply:Yes, she has become one since she's had to compete against a half-black man. Just like the blacks have all become sexist since a half-black man has had to compete against a woman. Says a lot about the liberal mind-set in this country.
Reply:As a hard-working non-white American I wont be voting for her
Reply:Whatever she is she will be gone daddy gone soon.
Reply:they are both (Hillary and Barack) losers, but racist, no, now Michelle Obama is , and while I am sure the "N" word has been uttered by Hillary in private in re to Barack, remember he was America's "first black president"
Reply:I don't think she's a racist per se, but I do think she'll pander for any vote she can get.

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