Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If Hillary Clinton gets her precious Universal Health care?

and we all have to start carrying around our Health Cards on our person whenever we leave our own homes (Did you even know that was a requirement in her previous "PLAN"?)

Is it true that in order to have a unique UPC bar code for humans, the only number not yet taken is 666?

does that make us common citizens the beast

or is it health care that already has been the beast all along?

If Hillary Clinton gets her precious Universal Health care?
well, this is all very interesting...the antichrist will have light hair and blue eyes...hmmm...and will unite the people for a moment. All she has to do is kill the pope...I have staunch conservative co-workers who will be voting for Hil based entirely on the healthcare plan she brings. fear everything!

And from what i am reading in the responses here, these sheeple will be lining up to get chipped. maybe even fighting to be among the first!

Another thing, when we vote for personal economic gain, we will reap exactly the opposite. Where is the money going to come from? Who will give us back the strength of character we have lost in enduring government soultions to our personal problems. The governement hasn't gotten the war right, public education, welfare, the government mismanages money worse than a bored housewife with 100 credit cards. Do you all REALLY think the government can make healthcare work? Holy cow, we are in for some hard times. We all have the power to change the course of America and even the world but it will never happen because citizens who can't see past their plasma tv and cell phone screen will always depend on someone else to keep them in comfort. And you know, the people in power count on that and use that entitlement mentality to seal our fates and take complete control.

Should I survive, I will remember this and you will not get the protection of my gun or any of my food you...sheeple! So many heads in the sand-WAKE UP!
Reply:It is her first step on the path to Socialism. She is a socialist and she has admitted it. Her an her Farce of a husband consider Karl Marx one of their hero's. We need to pray that she does not make it in as president or in congress for another term.

I don't know If I buy the mark of the beast thing though. But Universal Health care is SOCIALIZED medicine.
Reply:i believe she has a very evil agenda...some ofher ideas sound good in theory, but there is an evil plan behind them
Reply:There are more numbers that we can use besides 666. And what the hell? Everyone thinks a new technology is going to be the mark of the beast. When ATM cards first came out, they were thought of being possibly the mark of the beast. When the new id cards came out they thought it was the mark of the beast.

The beast is whatever you think it would be. Don't you see how erroneous that is?
Reply:uh oh...conspiracy theory alert.
Reply:Not true.
Reply:No, that makes you have an active imagination. Sources for your claims, please.
Reply:In a state dominated by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, a privately owned central bank is a beast of a military industrial complex. If politicians don’t have to consult citizens or tax them directly to fund government programs, such as wars and welfare, then maybe politicians can, and do, implement whatever programs they wish. After having the central bank expand the money supply in response to demands for welfare from subjects and demands for warfare from a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, the state may declare that it has become impossible for the central bank to honor a previous guarantee to exchange a paper currency for a fixed quantity of a commodity with an intrinsic value such as gold; and that from now on paper currency will enjoy legal tender status based on the full faith and credit of the state. In practice this means that the state may now have the central bank print an endless supply of cheaply printed paper to be used in exchange for valuable goods and services. By trading an endless supply of cheaply printed paper for valuable goods and services, a beast of a military industrial complex makes available to the state money required to finance a continuing series of wars.

Expansion of the money supply leads to more paper currency chasing after the same goods and services. More paper currency chasing after the same goods and services leads to inflation of the asking price for goods and services. Inflation enables a beast of a military industrial complex to embezzle the purchasing power of savings as the quantity and quality of goods and services that may be purchased by a fixed quantity of paper currency decays over time. Inflation may also drive up the price of labor such that subjects find themselves being pushed into higher tax brackets; and end up paying a larger percentage of their income to taxes. Massive spending programs paid for by the state with loans from the central bank may lead subjects to a future where in the majority of their taxes are being spent on making massive interest payments on an even more massive national debt.

By frequently invoking dubious threats to national security and or interests, a mercenary plutocratic predatory few use war and military spending to justify taking a lion's share of tax money and to disguise and or justify a strategy of redistributing national income in their favor. Maybe this strategy of redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top is carried out by a combination of drastic hikes in spending for warfare, and equally drastic tax cuts for the wealthy. Drastic hikes in spending mainly benefit a mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. Drastic tax cuts for the wealthy are made mainly to help a mercenary plutocratic predatory few garner support for a continuing series of wars from those amongst the wealthy who do not profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. This combination creates large budget deficits. Large budget deficits create a massive national debt that forces the state to use an ever greater portion of taxes collected from subjects to make interest payments. As a result spending for welfare is cut and the rich grow considerably richer at the expense of middle and low income people.
Reply:Maybe you misunderstand the Bible predictions for the 666 thing. That is for the WORLD, not the US. Despite the thoughts in the US that we ARE the world!

My bigger concern is for all of the people who DON'T have health care and need it! That is the essence of Hillary's plan!!! SHE would never veto health care for millions of children!
Reply:Where the hell do you get your information? That 666 thing was slapped on my windsheild 20 years ago... and I still think it's stupid.

That said, Hillary might be the devil. Except I don't believe in a devil, so she's just another manipulative politician.
Reply:Now, there is an Olympian feat of gymnastic reasoning.

Canada has had universal health care for decades.

Are we all Satan worshippers?

(And where DO you people get your "information", anyway?)

The goverment supports the use of VeriChip, and the Health and Drug administration has allready passed it, despite its numerous side-effects. VeriChip corp. has allready signed deals with many Hospitals around the nation, many in the Flordia region. --- If our nation moves to a socialized healthcare and our goverment also supports the VeriChip... It will only be a matter of time before everyone who has govermental healthcare will be implanted with the chip.

Revelation, Chapter 16:2. So then the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and painful "unsightly boils" broke out among the people who had taken the mark of the beast or worshiped it's image.

Wait, they broke out with what? http://www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.c...
Reply:You're severely misinformed. Hillary Clinton would not even propose such a plan again, she has been bought off by the industry for over $800,000.

The Mark of the Beast has been everything from RFID Cards, SSN's, Nero, On and On and On....
Reply:I carry around my health insurance card regardless.. Having a daughter, wife, and myself to pay for is almost as much as rent. It is quite pathetic that us people who are not quite middle class are unable to afford insurance without putting us in the hole (which I am)and at the same time do not qualify for assistance. I would much rather have my tax dollars put towards healing people than killing people.

So if her plan works, and I am required to carry a card I am fine with it. As far as 666 being on the UPC, that is not likely.. I mean come on, do you honestly believe they would do that with so many Christians in this country?
Reply:If a health care plan works in other nations. Then why not make good use of it. As for numbers, would it make since to go from 665 to 667?
Reply:When you get Universal Health Care, you will be just about catching up with the UK. That will mean that less US citizens will come here for free health treatment.

As for the point about the card - well at the moment you need to carry your checkbook just in case of an accident. because otherwise the medics will leave you. no pay - no health.

Oh and by the way 666 is a mistranslation the actual mark of the beast is 616
Reply:It is the thought that any series of numbers has religious relevance that is the problem here. 666 has no more inherent meaning than any other string of numbers (or 616 for those who want to split hairs about biblical translation). The whole question is ridiculous.
Reply:Why should we allow any national policy decisions to be influenced by rantings from people who believe in demons, Satan, and "the Mark of the Beast"?

It's 2007, and the Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Reply:You guys are so far out that it makes other Christians look foolish. Grow up and join the world. Canada has health care and they are neighter broke or taken over by demons.

They just have more control over these high price drugs.

The drug companys are just getting way to powerful.

It would only cost less than 1 tenth what is spent in Iraq.

By the way Iraq has free health care, courtesty the USA.
Reply:I guess it's okay with you that we spend billions in Iraq and the president just vetoed a bill to give health care to children. I'd say we need a change in priorities in this country, whether it comes from Hillary or whomever.
Reply:Well, she won't get anything by herself...people have a gross misunderstanding of the powers of a President (assuming, of course, she's even elected, which is no sure thing). She'll have to submit her plan through the proper channels, and if the bill isn't struck down or modified by Congress into a form that's feasible for all Americans, then it will pass. Besides, anyone who owns a car has to buy car insurance and carry around the information in their vehicles at all times, and that didn't bring about the apocalypse.
Reply:oh boy....666 was the hebraic numerological sign of Nero Caeser. Why do you fear medicine being socialized? Would you like for all our police and fire departments to be privatized as well? What if the fire department, like the insurance industry had quotas to meet and they could only put out 30 fires a month....then your house is #31?

I digress...really...get real, man.
Reply:As long as that mark is not on my right hand or forehead then I have no problem wirh it.
Reply:You are an absolute nutter. I don't even like Hillary Clinton, but if you don't like her, then that's a good reason for me to vote for her.

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